Wiki articles

Showing 141-160 of 164 items.

Simple Jui Autocomplete in yii2

Created 8 years ago by ajith, updated 8 years ago by ajith.

To use jui auto complete widget first add

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Viewed: 51 455 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

How to login from different tables in Yii2

Created 6 years ago by AndroideLP, updated 4 years ago by lenovo.

The Problem: Yii2 utilizes by default UserIdentity configured in config/web.php for connection, this object apply one table to authentication ('identityClass' => 'app\panel\models\User'). How to authentication from diferent tables? Solution: Create instances in web.php to uses UserIdentify. eg:

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Viewed: 63 423 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

How to use GridView with AJAX

Created 10 years ago by Antonio Ramirez, updated 6 years ago by CeBe.

With the adoption of PJax on Yii2 things  have change quite a bit with GridView when it comes to work with them in AJAX mode. It will probably be confusing at the beginning, but then you will soon realize how powerful the new approach is.

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Viewed: 86 632 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos
Tags: pjax, widget, yii2

Managing your nested dropdown dependency with DepDrop widget

Created 10 years ago by Kartik V, updated 10 years ago by Kartik V.

If you are coming over to Yii 2 from Yii 1.x, you may have already read this useful wiki for creating dependent dropdowns. You can use a similar approach in Yii 2 to do the same. But if you are looking at a prebuilt solution that helps you manage it easier, read along.

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Viewed: 88 631 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

Building a REST API in Yii2.0

Created 9 years ago by sirin k, updated 7 years ago by Maurizio Domba Cerin.

This is wiki page is useful if you are trying to build a customized REST API in Yii2.0

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Viewed: 149 925 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

Installation guide: Yii-2 advanced template with RBAC system

Created 8 years ago by Sherin Jose, updated 8 years ago by Sherin Jose.

Welcome, all of you !

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Viewed: 121 608 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials
Tags: install, rbac, yii2

Activating Bootstrap 3 Tooltips & Popover for your Yii Site.

Created 10 years ago by Kartik V, updated 6 years ago by alrazi.

Step 1: Initialize the Bootstrap Tooltip & Popover plugins in your view layout file @web\views\layouts\main.php. Add this to somewhere in the beginning head section (after you have loaded the Jquery using your AppAsset or something similar).

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Viewed: 66 291 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tips

Handling tabular data loading and validation in Yii 2

Created 10 years ago by Kartik V, updated 8 years ago by Said Bakr.

The only differences in Yii 2 is that its much simpler due to available functions in the Model class for loading and validating models.

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Viewed: 59 924 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

Creating a Simple CRUD App With Yii2 (Revised 12/20/2013)

Created 11 years ago by Charles R. Portwood II, updated 10 years ago by Vivek.

By popular demand, today I will be revisiting my previous Yii Framework 2 Getting Started Guide and updating it with what is currently available in the Yii Framework 2 Repository. Provide here is an super simple example CRUD application that will help you get started using the framework.

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Viewed: 307 388 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

yii2-app-advanced on single domain (Apache, Nginx)

Created 9 years ago by MadAnd, updated 2 years ago by QuPsi.

If you develop rather complex applications with Yii2, you might already be familiar with yii2-app-advanced application template. Well, the template is awesome and provides high flexibility regarding code/configuration sharing among parts of an application.

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Viewed: 146 293 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

YII2: Create console commands inside a module or extension

Created 9 years ago by MetaCrawler, updated 6 years ago by Luis Armando.

Here is a small guide how to get console commands running inside modules & extensions. For this guide I used a fresh yii2 basic application template.

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Viewed: 65 432 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

Escape from Default's Yii2 Delete Confirm Box

Created 10 years ago by Antonio Ramirez, updated 8 years ago by Cozumel.

If you started playing with Yii2's new GridView, you will soon realize that some things have improved quite a lot, but I am sure its going to be a bit confusing at first glance when you try to modify certain javascript behaviors like for example, its delete confirmation dialog box.

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Viewed: 45 759 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

Using multiple models in an identity

Created 5 years ago by samdark, updated a day ago by Néstor Acevedo.

Let's assume we have two models: Customer and Supplier and we want both to log in. Yii is quite flexible when it comes to authentication and authorization so it's possible.

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Viewed: 36 260 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

Pjax on ActiveForm and GridView - Yii2

Created 9 years ago by Sreenadh, updated 9 years ago by Sreenadh.

Here is a example on how to use Pjax with GridView (yii\grid\GridView) and ActiveForm (yii\widgets\ActiveForm) widgets in Yii2.

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Viewed: 165 525 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

[Guide] How to actually separate Frontend (User) and Backend (Admin) on Yii2 Advanced

Created 9 years ago by Wade Shuler, updated 9 years ago by samdark.

I am writing this guide because I struggled to find a resource that included ALL of the necessary steps to completely separate the frontend from the backend. After reading guides like Configuring different sessions for backend and frontend in yii-advanced-app and [yii2 configuring d...

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Viewed: 122 186 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

How to implement cron in Yii 2

Created 10 years ago by hemc, updated 10 years ago by hemc.

In advance template there is already a file yii. And there is no need to run it as php, it is Linux script.

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Viewed: 101 938 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos
Tags: console, cron, yii2

Filter & Sort by Summary Data in GridView Yii 2.0

Created 10 years ago by Kartik V, updated 10 years ago by Kartik V.

This wiki explains how to add summary data from related models into your Yii Framework 2.0 gridview with filtering and sorting by the summary columns.

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Viewed: 72 554 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

Tutorial about How to Integrate Yii2 with fantastic theme AdminLTE

Created 10 years ago by ThePr0f3550r, updated 9 years ago by YiiJeka.

Yii2 comes with a charming twitter bootstrap version 3. But if it is less, then you can integrate with web templates that you like. One example is wonderfull template "adminLTE"

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Viewed: 133 023 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

Save and Display Date/Time Fields in different formats in Yii2

Created 10 years ago by Kartik V, updated 9 years ago by Kartik V.

You would find having such a need in most Yii Projects. Your database needs a specific format to store date fields, while you may want to display it in different formats to the users on forms and other views.

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Viewed: 176 901 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

RBAC Super Simple with Admin and User

Created 9 years ago by evercode, updated 9 years ago by evercode.

One of the common requests I see in the forum is how to implement RBAC. While you can implement Yii 2's built-in RBAC, that might be too much for developers who are just starting with Yii 2 or have simpler needs. Sometimes you are looking for a fast solution and just want two flavors, user and admin. And even if you will eventually need more, you can use these methods as a starting point for devel...

9 1
Viewed: 102 287 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials