Version 1.3 of Yii Form package is released.
Major versions of Yii Mailer and Yii Mailer Symfony Mailer packages were tagged.
We are very pleased to announce that Yii Framework version 1.1.30 is released. You can download it at
Version 1.3 of Yii Dependency Injection container is released.
Version 1.5 of Yii Hydrator package has been released. Here are the list of improvements included in the new version:
Version 2.1 of Yii Validator package has been released. Here is the list of changes included in the new version:
Version 2.1 of Yii Swagger package has been released. Here is the list of changes included in the new version:
Version 1.2 of Yii Network Utilities package has been released. Here is the list of changes included in the new version:
First release of Yii Form Model package was done. It provides a base for form models and helps to fill, validate and display them.
First release of Yii Form package was done. It provides a set of widgets to help with dynamic server-side generation of HTML forms. The following widgets are available out of the box:
Version 1.4 of Yii Hydrator package has been released. Here are the list of improvements included in the new version:
Version 3.6 of Yii HTML package is released. There are some improvements and fixes:
Version 2.1 of Yii Auth JWT package has been released. Here are the list of changes included in the new version: