Wiki articles tagged with "select"

Showing 1-2 of 2 items.

Language Selector

Created 8 years ago by Programmer Thailand, updated 8 years ago by Programmer Thailand.


namespace common\components;

2 0
Viewed: 16 665 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

Managing your nested dropdown dependency with DepDrop widget

Created 10 years ago by Kartik V, updated 10 years ago by Kartik V.

If you are coming over to Yii 2 from Yii 1.x, you may have already read this useful wiki for creating dependent dropdowns. You can use a similar approach in Yii 2 to do the same. But if you are looking at a prebuilt solution that helps you manage it easier, read along.

2 3
Viewed: 88 447 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials