Wiki articles

Showing 81-100 of 823 items.

[Guide] How to actually separate Frontend (User) and Backend (Admin) on Yii2 Advanced

Created 9 years ago by Wade Shuler, updated 9 years ago by samdark.

I am writing this guide because I struggled to find a resource that included ALL of the necessary steps to completely separate the frontend from the backend. After reading guides like Configuring different sessions for backend and frontend in yii-advanced-app and [yii2 configuring d...

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Viewed: 122 402 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

Before Query Example : Soft Delete

Created 9 years ago by moo.tensai, updated 9 years ago by moo.tensai.

This is how i do before query on Yii 2.0

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Viewed: 20 397 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

Building a search GET request with scenarios ; calling a SearchModel from URLs...

Created 9 years ago by Louis Gac, updated 9 years ago by Louis Gac.

Search Models are a very elegant and powerful way to build an Active Data Provider. If you use them a lot, you'll quickly need to use scenarios, which will lead you to a very DRY Controller code.

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Viewed: 22 956 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tips

Single PHP entry point with Nginx

Created 9 years ago by MadAnd, updated 9 years ago by MadAnd.

In this article I will show you how to slightly increase application security, by exploiting the fact that Yii implements the Front Controller Pattern.

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Viewed: 18 376 times
Version: all
Category: How-tos
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Viewed: 35 865 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

YII2 : simple language Switcher Widget

Created 9 years ago by phunsanit, updated 9 years ago by phunsanit.
  1. create file common\components\languageSwitcher.php
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Viewed: 31 429 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

Customize your Growl/Alert msg easy and quickly

Created 9 years ago by Scott_Huang, updated 9 years ago by Scott_Huang.

I leverage Kartik's notification widgets.

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Viewed: 16 425 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tips

Render Form in popup via AJAX (Create and Update) with ajax validation & Also load any page via ajax Yii 2.0 (2.3)

Created 9 years ago by skworden, updated 6 years ago by Yii3.

There are a few issues with the other solutions I originally used that I found from other wikis. I address the issues I had in this much simpler and shorter way. I am also going to explain what is going into way more detail than others to help people understand what's going on.

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Viewed: 248 485 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

Simple way to implement Dynamic Tabular Inputs

Created 9 years ago by ezekielnoob, updated 5 years ago by samdark.


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Viewed: 84 264 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

Console Based CAuthManager Helper

Created 9 years ago by bluyell, updated 9 years ago by bluyell.

This behavior enable you to command the RBAC via console. This avoids you to install a entire rbac graphic toolkit to set up some rules in the rbac, maybe you are running inside a ssh console.

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1 follower
Viewed: 12 773 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Relation scope to test existence of related records ("EXISTS")

Created 9 years ago by le_top, updated 9 years ago by le_top.

When one needs to select a record in a table that do not have related records through a relation, it is generally suggested to use a subquery. Personnaly, I prefer a high level approach, and I have a method to do it with scopes.

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Viewed: 14 237 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Multiple CGridView virtual attributes, retrieved from a single model function. Also communication between CGridView columns and rows; and between CGridView and its own parent view.

Created 9 years ago by Gerhard Liebenberg, updated 9 years ago by Gerhard Liebenberg.

We probably have all used a virtual attribute (model function) to retrieve complex or related data for a CGridView column:

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Viewed: 13 539 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Using Yii Gallery Manager in your Yii 1.x application

Created 9 years ago by Trejder, updated 9 years ago by Trejder.

Finding good looking, working and not abandoned gallery manager for Yii 1.x application is a tough task. Out of all I found, only yii-gallery-manager extension looked promising. But, after downloading it, it turned out, that there are certain unusual things to do, to include it in your application. So, I decided to write this article...

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1 follower
Viewed: 15 782 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

How to register scripts and css

Created 9 years ago by oligalma, updated 8 years ago by oligalma.

Then, we write this in the config > main.php:

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Viewed: 94 649 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

yii2-app-advanced on single domain (Apache, Nginx)

Created 9 years ago by MadAnd, updated 3 years ago by QuPsi.

If you develop rather complex applications with Yii2, you might already be familiar with yii2-app-advanced application template. Well, the template is awesome and provides high flexibility regarding code/configuration sharing among parts of an application.

4 0
Viewed: 146 605 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

Use kartik Growl with Yii2 flash messages

Created 9 years ago by skworden, updated 9 years ago by skworden.

This is to show you how to use Yii2 flash messages with Kartik Growl (bootstrap notify wrapper).

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Viewed: 49 195 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

Active Record snapshotting (Model data base history)

Created 9 years ago by Bizley, updated 9 years ago by Bizley.

One of the common tasks the web application might be required to perform, especially the app using some kind of a CMS, is to save the history of data changes. Your client for sure will want the answer to this simple question - If I mess this up or delete by accident can we bring it back? Well, DB backup is one thing and quick recovery is another - let's talk about latter one.

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Viewed: 16 891 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Using PayPal IPN with Yii2

Created 9 years ago by darioo, updated 9 years ago by darioo.

I'm using PayPal's script from

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1 follower
Viewed: 13 369 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tips

Things to Consider when application hosting on AppFog

Created 9 years ago by VINAY Kr. SHARMA, updated 9 years ago by VINAY Kr. SHARMA.

I faced many issues when hosted our company website on AppFog.

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1 follower
Viewed: 8 256 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

MailGun Api Wrapper to send emails

Created 9 years ago by VINAY Kr. SHARMA, updated 4 years ago by Maurizio Domba Cerin.

MailGun.php Class

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Viewed: 13 281 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos
Tags: email, mailgun