Wiki articles

Showing 1-20 of 164 items.

Create Bootstrap5 based Image carousel with thumbnails

Created 8 months ago by pravi, updated 8 months ago by pravi.

Use the following css styles for carousel to work as expected.

2 0
1 follower
Viewed: 70 075 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

How to add a DropDown Language Picker (i18n) to the Menu

Created 9 months ago by JQL, updated 8 months ago by JQL.

Yii comes with internationalisation (i18n) "out of the box". There are instructions in the manual as to how to configure Yii to use i18n, but little information all in one place on how to fully integrate it into the bootstrap menu. This document attempts to remedy that.

1 0
1 follower
Viewed: 65 810 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

How to Create and Use Validator Using Regular expressions

Created a year ago by aayushmhu.

There are Multiple Ways to Create a Validator But here we use Regular Expression or JavaScript Regular Expression or RegExp for Creation Validators. In this article, we will see the most Frequently Used Expression

4 0
1 follower
Viewed: 94 246 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

GridView show sum of columns in footer.

Created a year ago by shiv.

GridView show sum of columns in footer `PHP use yii\grid\DataColumn;

1 0
1 follower
Viewed: 80 337 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tips

Convert JSON data to html table for display on page

Created a year ago by shiv.

I have a calls which help me display json directly in html table.

0 0
1 follower
Viewed: 79 838 times
Version: all
Category: Tips
Tags: html, JSON

Aadhar Number Validator

Created a year ago by shiv.

In India have Aadhar number an we may need to valid it a input. So I created a validator for yii2

1 1
1 follower
Viewed: 78 196 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tips
Tags: validator

Interview Questions For YII2

Created 2 years ago by aayushmhu, updated 9 months ago by aayushmhu.

Hey Everyone, In this post I Just shared my Experience what most of interviewer ask in YII2 Interview.

2 0
Viewed: 62 320 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tips
Tags: interview

How to send email via Gmail SMTP in Yii2 framework

Created 3 years ago by Bartosz Wójcik, updated 3 years ago by Bartosz Wójcik.

One of my sites has been flooded with spam bots and as a result - Gmail gave my mailing domain a bad score and I couldn't send emails to @gmail addresses anymore, not from my email, not from my system, not from any of other domains and websites I host...

3 1
Viewed: 88 112 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

JWT authentication tutorial

Created 3 years ago by Allan Jensen, updated 2 years ago by Allan Jensen.

JWT is short for JSON Web Token. It is used eg. instead of sessions to maintain a login in a browser that is talking to an API - since browser sessions are vulnerable to CSRF security issues. JWT is also less complicated than setting up an OAuth authentication mechanism.

13 0
Viewed: 160 640 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

Yii v2 snippet guide III

Created 3 years ago by rackycz, updated a year ago by rackycz.

Articles are separated into more files as there is the max lenght for each file on wiki.

8 0
Viewed: 174 856 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

How to redirect all emails to one inbox on Yii2 applications

Created 3 years ago by Gabriel A. López López.

\yii\mail\BaseMailer::useFileTransport is a great tool. If you activate it, all emails sent trough this mailer will be saved (by default) on @runtime/mail instead of being sent, allowing the devs to inspect thre result.

6 0
Viewed: 108 214 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

Api of Multiple File Uploading in Yii2

Created 3 years ago by fezzymalek, updated 2 years ago by fezzymalek.

After getting lot's of error and don't know how to perform multiple images api in yii2 finally I get it today

5 0
Viewed: 64 618 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

How to email error logs to developer on Yii2 apps

Created 3 years ago by Gabriel A. López López.

Logging is a very important feature of the application. It let's you know what is happening in every moment. By default, Yii2 basic and advanced application have just a \yii\log\FileTarget target configured.

2 0
Viewed: 66 294 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos
Tags: email, log

How to add markup to Yii2 pages

Created 3 years ago by Gabriel A. López López, updated 3 years ago by Gabriel A. López López. is a markup system that allows to embed structured data on their web pages for use by search engines and other applications. Let's see how to add to our pages on Yii2 based websites using JSON-LD.

2 0
Viewed: 88 990 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

How to add Open Graph and Twitter Card tags to Yii2 website.

Created 3 years ago by Gabriel A. López López.

OpenGraph and Twitter Cards are two metadata sets that allow to describe web pages and make it more understandable for Facebook and Twitter respectively.

2 0
Viewed: 64 625 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos
4 0
Viewed: 73 049 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

Start using Yii2 in Raspberry Pi3 (RPI3) via Pantahub

Created 4 years ago by sirin k, updated 3 years ago by sirin k.

4 0
Viewed: 38 035 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

Yii2 - Upgrading to Bootstrap 4

Created 4 years ago by Richard Pillay, updated 4 years ago by Richard Pillay.

Yii2 - Converting from Bootstrap3 to Bootstrap4

12 0
Viewed: 78 549 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

UUID instead of an auto-increment integer for ID with Active Record

Created 4 years ago by grigori, updated 4 years ago by samdark.

I have an API. It's built with a RESTful extension over Active Record, and some endpoints provide PUT methods to upload files. By a REST design we create an entity with POST /video first, and then upload a video file with PUT /video/{id}/data.

5 0
Viewed: 58 899 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos
7 0
Viewed: 267 577 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials