Wiki articles tagged with "tutorial"

Showing 1-20 of 26 items.

How To : Create Forgot Password in Yii (Sending Email to Reset Password)

Created 9 years ago by ruderbytes, updated 8 years ago by ruderbytes.

Assalamualaikum wr.wb Hello yii people i'm Muhammad Fahmi Azain this is tutorial about forgot password in yii framework, and i'm sorry if it does not comply with code standards yii. okay let's begin

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Viewed: 61 349 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

How to Create Pdf Report / Excel Report By Using Parameters (From - Until)

Created 10 years ago by ruderbytes, updated 9 years ago by ruderbytes.

Asslamualaikum Wr.Wb Hello I'm Fahmi Azain i will share wiki tutorial about Creating Pdf Report / Excel Report by using Parms / Parameters.

0 2
Viewed: 42 436 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Create/Develop View files with plain HTML (Without using ActiveForm Class)

Created 10 years ago by kalpit, updated 10 years ago by CeBe.

Today i want to share with you is "How can we write HTML Code in view files? I am writing this article because many times we can not use CActiveForm to design our form...

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Viewed: 21 923 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Multilanguage and SEO friendly

Created 10 years ago by Interboy, updated 9 years ago by Rohit Suthar.

In your application configuration (protected/config/main.php), set the sourceLanguage parameter to English:

4 0
Viewed: 29 696 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Date Picker by examples

Created 10 years ago by Interboy, updated 9 years ago by Alfa Adhitya.

CJuiDatePicker displays a datepicker. CJuiDatePicker encapsulates the JUI datepicker plugin.

6 0
Viewed: 140 225 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

How to create CJui Tabs : Render partial, Ajax tabs, color tabs

Created 10 years ago by Interboy, updated 10 years ago by xJose.

Hey guys, today we will show you how to make a Yii CJuitabs as example. Some feature cases such as Static tabs, render partial tabs, Ajax tabs, color tabs... You can see our code, there are simple 3 steps to make it work.

3 0
Viewed: 35 160 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos
6 1
Viewed: 59 183 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Yii for beginners 2

Created 11 years ago by rackycz, updated 2 years ago by rackycz.

This is second article with my tutorial. I had to add it, because Wiki article has limited length and as I was extending it's text, older paragraphs were disappearing. So here I am starting from chapter 6.

15 0
Viewed: 86 664 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Additional form data with XUpload

Created 11 years ago by Asgaroth, updated 11 years ago by Asgaroth.

In this article you'll learn how to send additional form data when uploading files using XUpload widget

7 0
Viewed: 46 925 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Create Yii Project In Cloud9

Created 11 years ago by Ben, updated 11 years ago by Ben.

This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a yii application using Cloud9. We will use a git workspace to enable version control and also show how to link the Cloud9 workspace to GitHub.

2 0
Viewed: 38 415 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

XUpload Workflow

Created 12 years ago by Asgaroth, updated 11 years ago by Asgaroth.

This wiki describes a more complex workflow using the XUpload widget

28 0
Viewed: 95 643 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

MVC primer and 5 minute form walkthrough

Created 12 years ago by rix.rix., updated 12 years ago by rix.rix..

This tutorial assumes some basic knowledge of Yii and a functional development environment.

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Viewed: 29 817 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Yii Security-extended guide

Created 12 years ago by bingjie2680, updated 12 years ago by bingjie2680.

This article is called extended guide is because there is already a security guide in the Yii tutorial security section. but that guide is not complete in the sense that it does not rise the developers' attention to some other commonly happening attacks: SQL injection and magic URL, which can be major vulnerabilities in you...

6 6
Viewed: 31 200 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

How to learn Yii?!

Created 12 years ago by yJeroen, updated 4 years ago by CeBe.

Here is a step by step To-Do list for Yii beginners. The list is an advice of what tutorials and documentation you can walk through to get a full understanding of the Yii Framework. These can be a help to learn Yii.

17 0
Viewed: 119 890 times
Version: all
Category: Tutorials

Windows Web Development With AMPPS, NetBeans and XDebug

Created 12 years ago by morcen, updated 12 years ago by morcen.
  1. Operating system: Windows
4 0
Viewed: 38 746 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Yii for beginners

Created 12 years ago by rackycz, updated 4 years ago by rackycz.

Hi. This is first article with my Yii v1 tutorial. I had to split it into 2 articles as there's limited length of texts on Wiki. So once you understand basics, you can read the 2nd article here: Yii for beginners 2.

68 0
Viewed: 439 656 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Adding search to Yii blog example (using Zend Lucene)

Created 12 years ago by dckurushin, updated 11 years ago by klammeraffe.
  • add under runtime directory, a new one call it search, it will be used for the index files that Zend Lucene will create. Make sure it is writable!
29 1
Viewed: 89 150 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Send asset folder path to a javascript of a widget

Created 12 years ago by sensorario, updated 12 years ago by sensorario.

When you develop a widget, you could need one image that is in the assets folder, you can use it simply within a css. You can load a css or javascript script doing this:

4 0
Viewed: 34 443 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips
9 0
Viewed: 32 384 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Avoiding duplicate script download when using CActiveForm on Ajax calls

Created 12 years ago by Antonio Ramirez, updated 12 years ago by Maurizio Domba Cerin.

The only thing required is simple, we just need to create a view that will be partially rendered by a call to a controller (using renderPartial) and make sure that we process output -setting to true the parameter on the function. Everything will work as expected but...

11 1
Viewed: 26 852 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials