Wiki articles in category Tutorials tagged with "AJAX"

Showing 1-17 of 17 items.

Background task with Ajax

Created 8 years ago by Alexandre Rodichevski, updated 8 years ago by Alexandre Rodichevski.

This article discusses how one can run a long task in background in yiiframework 1.1 using Ajax technique.

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1 follower
Viewed: 25 952 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

How to display images in CJuiAutoComplete without extenstions

Created 9 years ago by Asmaa, updated 5 years ago by samdark.

I wanted to customize the CJuiAutoComplete, so that it displays a thumb image before the label like the one shown in the following image:

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Viewed: 13 031 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Simple Ajax popup

Created 10 years ago by Rajith R, updated 10 years ago by Rajith R.

Simple Ajax popup view with Ajax link

5 0
Viewed: 51 605 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

How to display page on fancybox...using CHtml::ajaxlink with yii validation

Created 10 years ago by Ankit Modi, updated 9 years ago by Rohit Suthar.

1) include the fancybox extesion otherwise fancybox js

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Viewed: 19 432 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Ajax form submiting in Yii

Created 11 years ago by sirin k, updated 7 years ago by Maurizio Domba Cerin.

hi guys, Here I'm going to give you a working example of ajax form submiting in Yii.

4 3
Viewed: 168 682 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

CGridView, CListView and CActiveDataProvider

Created 11 years ago by softark, updated 11 years ago by softark.

CGridView (or CListView) together with CActiveDataProvider is a very powerful combination of the built-in tools of Yii. But how do they work together to accomplish their fantastic functions? And what are you expected to do to use them and to customize their behaviors? This article explains the very basics of them.

26 0
Viewed: 143 848 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Dynamic parent and child CGridView on single view. Using $.ajax to update child gridview via controller, after row in parent gridview was clicked.

Created 12 years ago by Gerhard Liebenberg, updated 10 years ago by Gerhard Liebenberg.

Many desktop programmers are used to having dynamic forms, where clicking on a record in a parent sub-form, updates another sub-form with the child records. While having many levels of nested sub-forms in a single view might not be such a good idea for a web application, I thought doing it one level deep might be interesting and useful. But, instead of sub-forms I used CGridViews.

Avoiding duplicate script download when using CActiveForm on Ajax calls

Created 12 years ago by Antonio Ramirez, updated 12 years ago by Maurizio Domba Cerin.

The only thing required is simple, we just need to create a view that will be partially rendered by a call to a controller (using renderPartial) and make sure that we process output -setting to true the parameter on the function. Everything will work as expected but...

11 1
Viewed: 26 854 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Update/delete model with CJuiDialog (works in CGridView)

Created 13 years ago by ifdattic, updated 12 years ago by ifdattic.

This tutorial will show you how to create Ajax dialog which allows to create new model, update or delete existing model. It works with simple links, CGridView button column links, adds a minimal amount of code and degrades gracefully with JavaScript turned off.

15 0
Viewed: 77 386 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

CListView AJAX filtering

Created 13 years ago by Draga, updated 13 years ago by Draga.

This tutorial shows how to filter CListView items by AJAX, and it's compatible with disabled JavaScript users
In my case this has been done to filter users list

13 0
Viewed: 78 423 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

CJuiDialog to create new model

Created 13 years ago by zaccaria, updated 8 years ago by Maurizio Domba Cerin.

In this tutorial we will learn how to realize a create interface using a dialog.

55 0
Viewed: 166 071 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

CJuiDialog and AjaxSubmitButton

Created 14 years ago by tydeas_dr, updated 12 years ago by phazei.

Hello ppl. Even though i have a small experience with yii I though of writing this to help people which want to do something similar.

33 1
Viewed: 127 256 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Tags: AJAX

Display an AJAX tree from your DB using CTreeView

Created 14 years ago by François Gannaz, updated 12 years ago by François Gannaz.

This example uses a MySQL DB with a table named tree with the fields id, name, and parent_id. The parent_id will be NULL for root elements. The SQL is kept simple (no autoinc, no FK, etc).

19 0
Viewed: 72 619 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Update content in AJAX with renderPartial

Created 14 years ago by Burzum, updated 12 years ago by hairylunch.

The easiest way to update content in AJAX is to use the renderPartial method.

43 0
Viewed: 355 313 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Tags: AJAX

By Example: CHtml

Created 14 years ago by jonah, updated 8 years ago by glicious.

"By Example" cookbook pages will provide coding examples for many of the commonly used classes within Yii. We will try to provide as many usage examples as possible for keep these pages as helpful as possible.

79 0
Viewed: 991 658 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

How to add ajax-loading indicators

Created 14 years ago by schmunk, updated 12 years ago by Yang He.

With yii you're able to create ajax requests and updates easily. But most times you always want to show a loading indicatior to your user.

23 0
Viewed: 76 371 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Tags: AJAX

Creating a dependent dropdown

Created 15 years ago by dalip, updated 9 years ago by Paul_Kish.

Often you'll need a form with two dropdowns, and one dropdown's values will be dependent on the value of the other dropdown. Using Yii's built-in AJAX functionality you can create such a dropdown.

83 2
Viewed: 414 287 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials