yii2-pinterest-widgets Yii2 extension for pinterest widgets


  1. Resources
  2. Installation
  3. Pin It Button
  4. Pinterest Follow Button
  5. Pinterest Pin Widget
  6. Pinterest Board Widget
  7. Pinterest Profile Widget
  8. License

Yii2 extension for pinterest widgets, making it easy to add Pinterest content onto your website.




Add extension to your composer.json and update your dependencies as usual, e.g. by running composer update ~~~ [java] {

"require": {
    "nirvana-msu/yii2-pinterest-widgets": "1.0.*@dev"

} ~~~

The full list of available widgets are:

  • Pin It Button
  • Pinterest Follow Button
  • Pinterest Pin Widget
  • Pinterest Profile Widget
  • Pinterest Board Widget

Pin It Button

The Pin It button is the best way for your business to get content on Pinterest. With just one click, visitors can save content they like on your site to Pinterest, which helps even more Pinners discover you.

prop type default notes
type -/-string -/-'any' -/-enum of ['any', 'one']
large -/-boolean -/-not set (false) -/-is large sized button
round -/-boolean -/-not set (false) -/-is circular button

The following props are specific for type="one". Each prop refers to the Pin to be pinned on click. A new Pin will be created using media, url and description.

prop type notes
media -/-string -/-the image url of the Pin to create
url -/-string -/-the link back of the Pin to create
description -/-string -/-the description of the Pin to create

Note: there are more settings available than this widget currently supports. For the full description of the settings, defaults and their effect, refer to documentation.


// To create a Pin one Pin It button
echo PinItButton::widget([
    'type' => 'one',
    'media' => 'https://goo.gl/zFFBUK',
    'url' => 'https://goo.gl/hQmcWP',
    'description' => 'Example Stuff',

// To Create a Pin any Pin It Button: opens the image picker overlay
echo PinItButton::widget(['type' => 'any']);
echo PinItButton::widget(['type' => 'any', 'large' => true]);
echo PinItButton::widget(['type' => 'any', 'round' => true]);
echo PinItButton::widget(['type' => 'any', 'round' => true, 'large' => true]);

Pinterest Follow Button

The follow button lets Pinners easily follow your business’s Pinterest page.

prop type notes
board -/-string -/-the board slug of the board to follow (<username>/<board_name>)
user -/-string -/-the username of the user to follow
text -/-string -/-the text to be displayed on the follow button

Choose either a board or user to follow. If both are specified, board will be used.


// To create a board follow button
echo PinterestFollowButton::widget([
    'board' => 'pinterest/official-news',
    'text' => 'Official News',

// To create a profile follow button
echo PinterestFollowButton::widget([
    'user' => 'pinterest',
    'text' => 'Pinterest',

Pinterest Pin Widget

Pin widget lets you show a Pin and is perfect for when you find a Pin that fits your look and feel.

prop type default notes
pin -/-string -/-required -/-the id of the Pin to display
size -/-string -/-not set ('small') -/-enum of ['small', 'medium', 'large']
terse -/-boolean -/-not set (false) -/-whether to hide description


// Pin Widgets default to small
echo PinterestPin::widget(['pin' => '530158187357124374']);
echo PinterestPin::widget(['pin' => '530158187357124374', 'size' => 'medium']);
echo PinterestPin::widget(['pin' => '530158187357124374', 'size' => 'large', 'terse' => true]);

Pinterest Board Widget

Board widget displays an entire board (up to 50 Pins), providing your visitors a quick taste of what your Pinterest profile's all about.

prop type default notes
board -/-string -/-required -/-the board slug of the board (<username>/<board_name>)
boardWidth -/-number -/-not set -/-the width of the board widget
boardHeight -/-number -/-not set -/-the height of the board widget
imageWidth -/-number -/-not set -/-the width of the Pin thumbnails within the widget


echo PinterestBoard::widget([
    'board' => 'pinterest/official-news',
    'boardWidth' => 400,
    'boardHeight' => 320,
    'imageWidth' => 80,

Pinterest Profile Widget

Profile widget shows the most recent Pins you’ve saved.

prop type default notes
user -/-string -/-required -/-the username of the profile
boardWidth -/-number -/-not set -/-the width of the board widget
boardHeight -/-number -/-not set -/-the height of the board widget
imageWidth -/-number -/-not set -/-the width of the Pin thumbnails within the widget


echo PinterestProfile::widget([
    'user' => 'pinterest',
    'boardWidth' => 400,
    'boardHeight' => 320,
    'imageWidth' => 80,


Extension is released under MIT license.

0 0
1 follower
Yii Version: 2.0
License: MIT
Category: User Interface
Developed by: Nirvana
Created on: Aug 12, 2016
Last updated: 7 years ago

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