yii2-instafeed Yii2 extension for instafeed Instagram javascript plugin

  1. Resources
  2. Installation
  3. Widget Configuration
  4. Sample Usage
  5. License

Yii2 extension for instafeed Instagram javascript plugin, providing a simple way to add Instagram photos to your website.

This widget publishes assets and registers necessary code to run plugin. It also optionally renders a div container that plugin would automatically look for, to fill with thumbnails. You can control the name of a created javascript plugin variable by configuring widget id.




Add extension to your composer.json and update your dependencies as usual, e.g. by running composer update ~~~ [java] {

"require": {
    "nirvana-msu/yii2-instafeed": "1.0.*@dev"

} ~~~

Widget Configuration

  • $renderThumbnailDiv boolean whether to render <div id="instafeed"></div> container that plugin would look for by default
  • $pluginOptions array instafeed javascript plugin options. For more information refer to instafeed documentation

Sample Usage

The only thing you have to configure are plugin option. For example, to fetch images from your account, set the get, userId and accessToken options:

echo Instafeed::widget([
    'pluginOptions' => [
        'get' => 'user',
        'userId' => 'YOUR_USER_ID',     // your Instagram account id, not username!
        'accessToken' => 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN',

If, for convenience, you prefer to store application-wide configuration such as access token(s), client id(s) and user id(s) in an application component, you may find InstafeedConfig class useful, for example:

In an application config:

'components' => [
    'instafeedConfig' => [
        'class' => InstafeedConfig::className(),
        'userId' => 'YOUR_USER_ID',
        'accessToken' => 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN',

In a view:

$config = Yii::$app->instafeedConfig;
echo Instafeed::widget([
    'pluginOptions' => [
        'get' => 'user',
        'userId' => $config->userId,
        'accessToken' => $config->accessToken,


Extension is released under MIT license.

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1 follower
Yii Version: 2.0
License: MIT
Category: User Interface
Developed by: Nirvana
Created on: Jul 29, 2016
Last updated: 7 years ago

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