Let's take the example of the above article to display an email button next to a delete button:
Let's take the example of the above article to display an email button next to a delete button:
In this wiki I will show how could use a CSqlDataProvider in CGridView with specific features
In this tutorial we will try to save cgridview filter(search) with title etc. basically we want to save two forms data i.e one represents filters and other data about filters like title, description etc. You can define your own structure for filter saving table here are some basic steps
1) Add a fancy-box extension on admin page
How to display status image on admin gridview.
This tutorial gives you multiple options of how to fully implement showing, sorting and filtering related data in gridviews.
CGridView (or CListView) together with CActiveDataProvider is a very powerful combination of the built-in tools of Yii. But how do they work together to accomplish their fantastic functions? And what are you expected to do to use them and to customize their behaviors? This article explains the very basics of them.
Inspired by it I extended the CButtonColumn class like this:
This is a tutorial for how to add input text-Field, check-box, buttons in CGridView.
Many desktop programmers are used to having dynamic forms, where clicking on a record in a parent sub-form, updates another sub-form with the child records. While having many levels of nested sub-forms in a single view might not be such a good idea for a web application, I thought doing it one level deep might be interesting and useful. But, instead of sub-forms I used CGridViews.
For each column of the CGridView, we can specify name
, value
, htmlOptions
, cssClassExpression
etc. In the declarations of the attributes value
and cssClassExpression
we can use the "special" variable $data
, for example like this: 'value'=>'$data->author->username',
Now we might want to use $data
in the declaration of the `...
A few days ago, i worked for CGridView exporting functional for my client. He asked me to create a simple exporting to a CSV file a CGridView search results.
Lets say we have two models and relation between them:
This tutorial will show you how to create Ajax dialog which allows to create new model, update or delete existing model. It works with simple links, CGridView button column links, adds a minimal amount of code and degrades gracefully with JavaScript turned off.