Wiki articles in category Tutorials

Showing 201-220 of 264 items.

Getting to Understand Hierarchical RBAC Scheme

Created 13 years ago by daemons, updated 9 years ago by rAWTAZ.

Authentication and Authorization is a good tutorial. Among other topics, it describes basic aspects of Yii's RBAC implementation. But however hard I read the tutorial, I couldn't understand how exactly the hierarchy works. I found how to define authorization hierarchy, how business rules are evaluated, how to configure a...

47 0
Viewed: 125 669 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Upload CSV File

Created 11 years ago by bhavesh vaghela, updated 9 years ago by bhavesh vaghela.

View file

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Viewed: 32 077 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Simple Way to Upload and Save File

Created 9 years ago by Misbahul D Munir, updated 9 years ago by Misbahul D Munir.

This tutorial need extension mdmsoft/yii2-upload-file. Follow the intruction to install. After installation done, create controller and action

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Viewed: 38 841 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

How to display page on fancybox...using CHtml::ajaxlink with yii validation

Created 10 years ago by Ankit Modi, updated 9 years ago by Rohit Suthar.

1) include the fancybox extesion otherwise fancybox js

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Viewed: 19 120 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Gettext and Poedit HOWTO

Created 9 years ago by Maug Lee, updated 9 years ago by Maug Lee.

Example settings when using Gettext for i18n.

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Viewed: 13 038 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Use crypt() for password storage

Created 11 years ago by fsb, updated 9 years ago by fsb.

Update: This wiki has been rewritten to be in line with Yii 1.1.14. Since many of the detailed complexities are now handled by Yii, the article focuses on how the crypt() built-in function works and why it's important to use it correctly.

15 0
Viewed: 177 096 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Create Excel File with PHPExcel Plugin (Insert Image in Excel Sheet ,Use Template to Create Excel File, Create New Sheet)

Created 10 years ago by codesutra, updated 9 years ago by codesutra.

This is an example for how to create Excel File with PHPExcel library.This article is inspired by Wikki Article return by Antonio Ramirez and extension created by marcovtwout for [PHPExcel library](

Widget Personalizado

Created 12 years ago by Cálcio, updated 9 years ago by Cálcio.

$this->render('index', array( 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider, )); `

6 0
Viewed: 10 554 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Creating a dependent dropdown

Created 15 years ago by dalip, updated 9 years ago by Paul_Kish.

Often you'll need a form with two dropdowns, and one dropdown's values will be dependent on the value of the other dropdown. Using Yii's built-in AJAX functionality you can create such a dropdown.

83 2
Viewed: 412 337 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

RBAC Super Simple with Admin and User

Created 9 years ago by evercode, updated 9 years ago by evercode.

One of the common requests I see in the forum is how to implement RBAC. While you can implement Yii 2's built-in RBAC, that might be too much for developers who are just starting with Yii 2 or have simpler needs. Sometimes you are looking for a fast solution and just want two flavors, user and admin. And even if you will eventually need more, you can use these methods as a starting point for devel...

9 1
Viewed: 101 311 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

Running applications with Docker

Created 9 years ago by schmunk, updated 9 years ago by schmunk.

When building PHP web applications you usually have to take care about defining and providing a consistent development and production environment for your team. This includes your application packages, PHP-extensions, database servers and often further components such as a mail server or workers.

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Viewed: 50 425 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

Active Record snapshotting (Model data base history)

Created 9 years ago by Bizley, updated 9 years ago by Bizley.

One of the common tasks the web application might be required to perform, especially the app using some kind of a CMS, is to save the history of data changes. Your client for sure will want the answer to this simple question - If I mess this up or delete by accident can we bring it back? Well, DB backup is one thing and quick recovery is another - let's talk about latter one.

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Viewed: 16 534 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

NetBeans IDE and Yii projects

Created 13 years ago by marcovtwout, updated 9 years ago by marcovtwout.

This page is created to supply short directions and general tips for managing a Yii application in NetBeans IDE.

65 0
Viewed: 248 796 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

YII2 : simple language Switcher Widget

Created 9 years ago by phunsanit, updated 9 years ago by phunsanit.
  1. create file common\components\languageSwitcher.php
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Viewed: 30 879 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

Simple Mail Queue

Created 10 years ago by waterloomatt, updated 8 years ago by Bizley.

The basic idea is to create a complete mail message and store it a Db table along with all info necessary for sending valid emails (to_email, from_email, from_name, subject etc.)

8 0
Viewed: 28 524 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Installare Yii 2.0.* usando XAMPP su Windows in versione portabile

Created 10 years ago by realtebo, updated 8 years ago by realtebo.

Personalmente trovo che la versione "portable" sia molto più semplice da aggiornare, ed io tengo sempre costantemente aggiornato TUTTO il parco software relativo al mio webserver.

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Viewed: 27 992 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

How to upload a file using a model

Created 15 years ago by qiang, updated 8 years ago by samdark.

First declare an attribute to store the file name in the model class (either a form model or an active record model). Also declare a file validation rule for this attribute to ensure a file is uploaded with specific extension name.

66 4
Viewed: 517 101 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Export query content to excel through any of your controllers, also can set cssClass for header/odd/even rows, auto download

Created 8 years ago by Scott_Huang, updated 8 years ago by Scott_Huang.

To generate excel by query content, and download through any controller. You also can bind cssClass to header/odd/even rows. As for header, you even can set cssClass for each column.


in your controller.

2 0
Viewed: 25 580 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

Using your own forked version of extensions with composer

Created 9 years ago by Kartik V, updated 8 years ago by Kartik V.

So you want to use a fork of any existing vendor extension with your Yii 2 install and use the fork, instead of original source. This does not need you to push any update or register your package on You are recommended to follow the approach below:

3 2
Viewed: 23 529 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

Simple Jui Autocomplete in yii2

Created 8 years ago by ajith, updated 8 years ago by ajith.

To use jui auto complete widget first add

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Viewed: 50 719 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials