Step 1: Initialize the Bootstrap Tooltip & Popover plugins in your view layout file @web\views\layouts\main.php
. Add this to somewhere in the beginning head section (after you have loaded the Jquery using your AppAsset or something similar).
Step 1: Initialize the Bootstrap Tooltip & Popover plugins in your view layout file @web\views\layouts\main.php
. Add this to somewhere in the beginning head section (after you have loaded the Jquery using your AppAsset or something similar).
composer update
does not fetch any new packages (even though the source is updated)composer update
.composer update
earlier, but it was partially done, before you lost network connectivity, and you cannot refresh packages anymore.My goal here is to Open bootstrap modal and load ANY content using ajax response.
There are cases you want to update a record on CGridview directly
With the adoption of PJax on Yii2 things have change quite a bit with GridView when it comes to work with them in AJAX mode. It will probably be confusing at the beginning, but then you will soon realize how powerful the new approach is.
If you started playing with Yii2's new GridView, you will soon realize that some things have improved quite a lot, but I am sure its going to be a bit confusing at first glance when you try to modify certain javascript behaviors like for example, its delete confirmation dialog box.
One of the things you will find tricky to implement is the the sorting and filtering of a GridView's column that displays related model data.
Yii2 introduces the BootstrapInterface to ease our application initialization tasks, whether they are composer
based or Application bootstrap (do not mistaken with Bootstrap CSS Framework) based tasks. On this article, I am going to explain how to use it on y...
This wiki shows about how to make a custom column or how to pass php-Yii-html code in CButtonColumn (as a button)
Personalmente trovo che la versione "portable" sia molto più semplice da aggiornare, ed io tengo sempre costantemente aggiornato TUTTO il parco software relativo al mio webserver.
The classic Yii way for doing an update action is as follows:
I recently worked on updating the content of a gridview based on the selection of a dropdown menu. I thought I should share it in the forum...
Here is my solution to login with email or anything else This update works with database mysql You must generate the user model with GII
In advance template there is already a file yii. And there is no need to run it as php, it is Linux script.
When you are handling so many projects and those projects are saved in different repository locations, you may find it very difficult to keep track all the versions and revisions manually and it will be much harder if you are developing in multiple repository branches.