Extensions tagged with "ajax"

Showing 37-43 of 43 items.


User Interface 33 5385
DataTables grid widget with CGridView API.
Created by nineinchnick, 12 years ago, updated 10 years ago.


User Interface 22 5638
EUpdateDialog allows to run controller actions using jQuery UI dialog.
Created by ifdattic, 12 years ago.


Others 99 7042
NLSClientScript extends the CClientScript class smart loading javascript files and optionally merging/minifying js+css files
Created by nlac, 12 years ago, updated 9 years ago.


User Interface 33 7608
In-place editing with Twitter Bootstrap Form and Popover
Created by Vitalets, 11 years ago.


User Interface 35 10109
Allows to manage image gallery
Created by Bogdan Savluk, 11 years ago, updated 9 years ago.


User Interface 72 12250
EAjaxUpload: Uploading files using ajax (without flash)
Created by kosenka, 13 years ago, updated 11 years ago.


Auth 46 39803
A web interface for administration of rbac (CDbAuthManager)
Created by Spyros, 14 years ago, updated 12 years ago.