Extensions tagged with "user interface"

Showing 1-12 of 89 items.


User Interface 0 139
Widget with share buttons in social network via Yandex share api
Created by LIAL, 8 years ago.


User Interface 0 0
Yii widget for Noty jQuery notification plugin
Created by Mohammed Shifrin, 9 years ago, updated 8 years ago.


User Interface 0 225
Yii extension to manage cookie warning
Created by Bizley, 9 years ago, updated 8 years ago.


User Interface 13 281
Yii 1.1 dropdown widget with AJAX data
Created by Bizley, 9 years ago, updated 7 years ago.


Database 3 262
Improves Yii's grid filters by allowing more powerful search terms.
Created by Keith, 9 years ago.


User Interface 4 740
Based on Robin Herbots jquery.inputmask 3.1.34 ,This extension helps the user with the input by ensuring a predefined format.
Created by Vilo, 9 years ago.


Auth 8 1153
Rbac user interface module
Created by Ronald van Belzen, 10 years ago, updated 9 years ago.


User Interface 2 415
Wrapper for JPanelMenu
Created by JbalTero, 10 years ago.


User Interface 0 189
A wrapper for Spritespin jQuery Plugin
Created by Alfa Adhitya, 10 years ago.


User Interface 3 420
Toastr, can use both in view and control, can fetch flashes set by you before, msg can show with user defined html format.
Created by Scott_Huang, 10 years ago.


User Interface 21 2312
A widget wrap for google chart
Created by Scott_Huang, 10 years ago.


User Interface 6 2711
Flash and HTML5 video player without any copyright on screen. Playlists support. Few styles.
Created by shapovalov_org, 11 years ago, updated 10 years ago.