Extensions in category User Interface

Showing 97-108 of 552 items.


User Interface 0 584
Switch between languages and/or themes
Created by Joblo, 11 years ago.


User Interface 8 1476
Slideshower - Adjust the pictures to specified dimensions
Created by Kostas Apazidis (KonApaz), 11 years ago.


User Interface 0 1180
Yii-Image-Zoomer (Yii Extension For Image Zoom)
Created by gogi, 11 years ago.


User Interface 7 1020
A widget to shorten html content to a certain length, and give a link to read for the full text.
Created by Blue Spy, 11 years ago, updated 9 years ago.


User Interface 15 1852
A wrapper for jQuery Raty plugin
Created by Fabián, 11 years ago.


User Interface 2 897
YiiFormatCurrency - jquery Format Currency adapted for PHP Yii Framework.
Created by maxie, 11 years ago.


User Interface 2 983
Yii extension wrapping the jQuery UI Monthpicker Widget from Julien Poumailloux
Created by c@cba, 11 years ago.


User Interface 14 1237
Tree graphic manipulation of an ActiveRecord with NestedSet Behavior using jstree plugin.
Created by drumaddict, 11 years ago.


User Interface 1 444
A wrapper to create a metro interface.
Created by Blue Spy, 11 years ago.


User Interface 0 286
Jade renderer similar to Haml syntax
Created by rapidtransit440, 11 years ago.


User Interface 17 1951
Insert a link above the image to change it and view the new one using ajax - just like facebook
Created by Amr Bedair, 11 years ago.


User Interface 8 1353
Widget for using jQuery plugin "tooltipster"
Created by Yerlt, 11 years ago, updated 10 years ago.