
The Yii community has developed a great amount of extensions that provide a lot of useful functionality.

  • The extensions you find here are user contributed extensions.
  • There is also a set of extensions maintained by the Yii team, we call these official extensions.
Showing 49-60 of 1,438 items.


Others 0 284
Send SMS all over the world using LabsMobile platform and their HTTP/POST API.
Created by Borislav, 9 years ago.


Error Handling 2 321
A module to show logs and delete runtime and assets data
Created by shiv, 9 years ago.


User Interface 0 156
Bootstrap short notifications
Created by rafaelt88, 9 years ago.


Others 1 149
weather_smcs View the latest weather forecasts, Find local weather forecasts for the cities throughout the world.
Created by channasmcs, 9 years ago.


User Interface 0 69
SocialShariffWidget is a wrapper for Shariff, the privacy aware social media button solution from heise.de.
Created by slp, 9 years ago.


Validation 0 256
Allows for easy model validation against all columns while excluding those which are passed in via array
Created by cottonaf, 9 years ago.


Database 0 161
This extension allows for easy mass insertion of models while retaining yii 1.1.14 implementation and model validation
Created by cottonaf, 9 years ago.


Database 0 158
This feature would replace $model->delete() calls when data needs to be preserved
Created by cottonaf, 9 years ago.


Others 3 145
Distributed wrapper for beanstalkd client with basic weighted algorithm and graceful handling of connection failures
Created by cottonaf, 9 years ago.


Validation 0 148
This code is some I wrote to try and enforce data constraints for DECIMAL(m,n) column format.
Created by mcd, 9 years ago.


Mail 0 300
Mailgun API PHP library and Yii extension
Created by baibaratsky, 9 years ago.


Logging 0 21
Rollbar Yii Component
Created by baibaratsky, 9 years ago.