yii2-wizard ¶
Yii2 Extension to handle multi-form wizards.
This is the Yii2 version of my popular Wizard Behavior extension for Yii1
Features ¶
- All forms submit to the same route - user friendly URLs
- Next/Previous or Forward Only navigation - registration forms will probably use Next/Previous navigation; tests will probably use Forward Only
- Looping - repeat one or more steps on a form as many times as needed
- Plot Branching Navigation (PBN) - allows the form to decide which path to take depending on a user's response to questions
- Step timeout - steps can have a timeout to ensure a user responds within a given time
- Save/Restore - save partially completed forms then restore and continue from that point later
- Event driven - write the handler functions and hook them up to events
Source ¶
Source is on GitHub at beastbytes/yii2-wizard
Installation ¶
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist beastbytes/yii2-wizard
or add
"beastbytes/yii2-wizard": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json.
Usage ¶
Below is a very short overview of how to use the extension; the examples folder shows how to implement PBN, looping, forward only navigation, and step timeout in examples of a quiz, survey, and registration.
Attach WizardBehavior to a controller.
The controller contains the event handlers; the two most important events are WizardBehavior::EVENT_WIZARD_STEP and WizardBehavior::EVENT_AFTER_WIZARD, these are responsible for handling the steps of the wizard and processing the data at the end of the wizard respectively.
Controller Action ¶
The controller action is very simple:
public function actionWizard($step = null)
return $this->step($step);
WizardBehavior::EVENT_WIZARD_STEP ¶
This event's handler is responsible for validating submitted data and deciding in what direction the Wizard should proceed; this and the data to be stored is placed into the event. When the event is marked as handled by handler the wizard will take the appropriate action.
WizardBehavior::EVENT_AFTER_WIZARD ¶
The handler for this event is responsible for taking the required action once the Wizard has completed; this could be rendering a page based on the user input and/or saving the data to persistant storage.
Extension is too good but documentation is not clear
plz clear the usage of this extension.
Please add more documentation
How to implement single steps?
Do we need a Model for a form or do we need to use something other to keep the relation from user inputs and db data?
Validation on Cancel
I can't cancel a form because validation is triggered and stops me. Is there a setting to disable form validation before cancel?
@all: If you want to have more information how to use it, you can have a look into the code files, where exists a full directory with examples (including models, views and controllers): https://github.com/beastbytes/yii2-wizard/tree/master/examples
@author: Thank you for this great extension!
Does not work in version greater than
plz.... a working expample and more detailed docs of this extension.
If you have any questions, please ask in the forum instead.
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