Wiki articles

Showing 201-220 of 822 items.

using 'whenClient' for complex client side validation

Created 9 years ago by thiagoc7, updated 9 years ago by thiagoc7.

You have a 'Category' model with Id, Name and Visibility (boolean, where 0 = Public, and 1 = Private).

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Viewed: 25 096 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos
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Viewed: 20 979 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Insert data from database to another database table

Created 9 years ago by Kostas Apazidis (KonApaz), updated 9 years ago by Kostas Apazidis (KonApaz).

According to below wiki we could migrate database schema to another database

1 0
Viewed: 15 583 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

DB Driven CMenu (Widget)

Created 9 years ago by Preacher, updated 9 years ago by Preacher.

Awhile ago I was trying to find a database driven CMenu system to add to my web applications. This always seemed to me that it would be a lot easier to manage if it where in a database. So the following is the results of that effort:

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1 follower
Viewed: 6 501 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Sort and save order of model-elements drag & drop

Created 9 years ago by Kostas Apazidis (KonApaz), updated 9 years ago by Kostas Apazidis (KonApaz).

Suppose you have Products,Categories and each product belongs in many categories

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Viewed: 19 039 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Where to implement knowledge about the addresses of the controller?

Created 9 years ago by Petr.Grishin, updated 9 years ago by Petr.Grishin.

Knowledge is necessary to determine the address of the controller in a single layer system. This allows you to quickly search and painlessly produce refactoring controllers and their addresses.

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Viewed: 12 317 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
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Viewed: 10 803 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos
Tags: i18n, Routing

An alternative way to ElasticSearch

Created 5 years ago by Necip, updated a year ago by Necip.

This article is for those who have dealt with the complexity of Elasticsearch or any other indexing machines and are looking for an easier way to index the existing database without additional effort.

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Viewed: 41 159 times
Version: all
Category: How-tos

ISA hierarchy of tables inside a database and how to implement a single form

Created 12 years ago by pligor, updated 12 years ago by pligor.

Please consider the following Dear software engineers imagine I have a simple ISA hierarchy: parent A with children B and C. So let's say we have the corresponding tables named "a", "b", "c" and (created with the help of the gii model creator) the classes A, B, C The following is a screenshot from MySQL workbench: ![MySQL workbench screenshot](

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Viewed: 16 738 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Disallowing login for INACTIVE users in Yii

Created 9 years ago by Rohit Suthar, updated 9 years ago by Rohit Suthar.

In this wiki I will show how to Disallowing login for Inactive users. Only Active users can logging and access their account. You can set privacy for your yii web apps users.

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Viewed: 16 313 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials


Created 11 years ago by hiral darji, updated 11 years ago by hiral darji.

If you have two datepicker in one form and you want that a date of from date shold be minimum date of todate then put following code in Cjuidatepicker widget options array:

'onSelect'=>'js:function(selected) {
1 0
Viewed: 11 471 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Yii 1.1: How To add id or class to CMenu items ?

Created 9 years ago by Louis Gac, updated 9 years ago by Louis Gac.

CMenu comes with a lot of great customization options built in. One of the most used is the class 'active' being added to menu item. But, what if you want to add your own class or id to a menu item ?

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1 follower
Viewed: 26 014 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Search scenario (CGridView, etc.): avoid default values from database as search condition.

Created 9 years ago by le_top, updated 9 years ago by le_top.

Yii has a neat "trick" that will assign default values to new CActiveRecords. When performing a search() though, this is pretty annoying as they automatically apply as filter values.

1 0
Viewed: 11 029 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Expert's model generation with Gii

Created 9 years ago by le_top, updated 9 years ago by le_top.

Efficient coding with Yii implies efficient use of the code generator. This article shares the personalised Gii templates that were built starting from the standard templates proposed by AweGen.

1 0
Viewed: 16 967 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Implementing menu items with progress (wait) dialog

Created 11 years ago by Trejder, updated 11 years ago by Trejder.

This article shows one of possible ways to implement menu items (as well as links), which displays a progress / wait dialog and are redirecting browser to destination URL in the same time. This is especially useful, for links or routes that are know to be loaded for a prolonged period of time (i.e. getting a lot of data from database).

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1 follower
Viewed: 21 464 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Logging to Heroku's logs from Yii

Created 10 years ago by aarondfrancis, updated 9 years ago by aarondfrancis.

In order to get your Yii logs into Heroku's logs, you have to work a little bit of magic. You'll need to modify the script and add the following two lines: ~~~ touch /app/apache/logs/app_log tail -F /app/apache/logs/app_log & ~~~ This will set up the log and tail it so that when you request "heroku logs", this log is included.

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1 follower
Viewed: 10 301 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

How to organize Design "things" in Yii 2 (themes and layout)

Created 5 years ago by s.oli, updated 5 years ago by samdark.

Sometimes the App needs a nicer look & feel, so its necessary to organize the assets for this and Yii can help a lot to make it easy. In this article I provide tips for handling multiple "Designs". I use these three features:

1 0
Viewed: 27 860 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tips

Yii configuration: Dynamic & User dependent

Created 9 years ago by le_top, updated 9 years ago by le_top.

It is difficult to perform user dependent theming through a general configuration in 'main.php'. This article proposes a method to do so through a Factory that dynamically generates classes to allow delayed resolution of actual user values. This means that you can refer to values that are stored in the database through the CActiveRecord before Yii is actually loaded. The values will be fetched...

1 0
1 follower
Viewed: 12 724 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

More on SSE and Yii

Created 10 years ago by Firebreaker, updated 10 years ago by Firebreaker.

This is not actually Yii involved.

1 0
1 follower
Viewed: 9 568 times
Version: Unknown (update)
Category: Tips

Step by step for how to full export Yii2 grid to excel

Created 9 years ago by Scott_Huang, updated 9 years ago by Scott_Huang.

We will leverage Yii2-excelview widget. So, first of all is install Yii2-excelview:

1 0
Viewed: 74 652 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tips