Install, update and use Yii with WAMP server

Here I am describing how you can install and update Yii in WAMP sever.

Follow the following step by step procedures to find your destination-

Step 1: Assigning PHP engine location path in system variable

  • Go to “My Computer” ->Right click and select "Properties"
  • Click "Advanced system settings" from left pane
  • Under "Advanced" tab click on "Environment Variables"
  • Under "System variables" scroll down and find text "Path" then Double click on it
  • Now enter your PHP engine location on end of the "variable value" field

    i.e. for me I entered "C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.10". Just enter location without double quotes

  • Click ok and finally exit from this.

Step 2: Create project folder under "www"

Just create a blank folder in "www" that should be your project name. i.e "bid" You can also make this using command window. For this-

  • Open command window
  • C:>cd wamp\www\
  • C:\wamp\www>mkdir bid

Step 3: Download Yii framework and put into www directory and install the framework for bid project

  • Go "" and download latest Yii framework zipped file
  • Unzip and rename folder to "yii"
  • Using command-

    • C:\wamp\www>cd yii\framework\
    • C:\wamp\www\yii\framework>yiic webapp C:\wamp\www\bid

      Create a Web application under ‘C:\wamp\www\bid’? [Yes|No] y
      Your application has been created successfully under C:\wamp\www\bid.

Now you are ready to browse your project by accessing the URL : http://localhost/bid/

If you want to use this installation for multiple project then just copy "bid" folder and past and rename with your project name. Its better if you make "bid" folder as your backup project folder then when you need to work with a new project then just you need to copy and past this folder and rename to your new project name.

If you want to install an updated version of Yii framework then please download updated version zipped folder from "" and unzip. After unzip the file just copy the framework folder and then go "yii" folder under "www" directory and just replace previous framework folder with latest one.

Enjoy and explore Yii...........

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Viewed: 88 502 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos
Written by: mrs
Last updated by: mrs
Created on: Oct 22, 2012
Last updated: 11 years ago
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