Extensions tagged with "activerecord"

Showing 37-42 of 42 items.


Database 1 140
Yii ActiveRecord with "ifModified then ..." logic and dependencies clearing
Created by copist, 9 years ago.


Database 0 0
A PHP7 edition of the infamous mongoyii extension
Created by Sammaye, 8 years ago.


Database 0 175
Enhanced ActiveRecord class, that automatically adds STAT relations for each HAS_MANY and MANY_MANY
Created by MihanEntalpo, 9 years ago.


Database 0 186
Transform values of attributes before saving to DB and after reading from DB.
Created by yan, 9 years ago.


Database 1 0
Implements entity-attribute-value pattern and provides a simple way to work with EAV-attributes.
Created by iAchilles, 9 years ago.


User Interface 2 607
creates a dialog box for forms using CJuiDialog for any controller
Created by Rehan Anis, 9 years ago.