yii2-oauth2 OAuth2 server integration (using bshaffer oauth2 server)

  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. Howto use it
  4. Configure Module
  5. User identity and Web user
  6. Creating specific view for OAuth2
  7. Linking RBAC and Scope systems
  8. CLI System
  9. Running the tests
  10. Resources

This extension allow the developper to use Oauth2 server in Yii2 apps


  • Yii 2.0+
  • Redis

Other backends are not yet implemented


If you use Packagist for installing packages, then you can update your composer.json like this :

    "require": {
        "sweelix/yii2-oauth2-server": "~1.0"

Howto use it

Add extension to your configuration

return [
    'bootstrap' => [
    'modules' => [
        'oauth2' => [
            'class' => 'sweelix\oauth2\server\Module',
            'backend' => 'redis',
            'db' => 'redis',
            'identityClass' => 'app\models\User', // only if you don't want to use the user identityClass
            // Parameters

Configure Module

Basic module parameters
  • backend : can only be redis for the moment
  • db : id of the redis component or connection or connection configuration
  • identityClass : user class used to link oauth2 authorization system default to user component identityClass
  • baseEndPoint : base path for token and authorize endpoints default to ''
  • overrideLayout : override module layout to use another one (ex: @app/views/layouts/oauth2)
  • overrideViewPath : override view path to use specific one (ex: @app/views/oauth2)
Grants management
  • allowImplicit : allow implicit grant (default to false)
  • allowAuthorizationCode : allow authorization code grant (default to true)
  • allowClientCredentials : allow client credentials grant (default to true)
  • allowPassword : allow user credentials / password grant (default to true)
  • allowCredentialsInRequestBody : allow credentials in request body (default to true)
  • allowPublicClients : allow public clients (default to true)
  • alwaysIssueNewRefreshToken : always issue refresh token (default to true)
  • unsetRefreshTokenAfterUse : unset refresh token after use (default to true)
JWT parameters
  • allowJwtAccesToken : enable JWT (default : false)
  • allowAlgorithm : available algorithm for JWT (default : ['RS256', 'RS384', 'RS512'])
  • jwtAudience : default to token endpoint
  • storeEncryptedTokenString : store encrypted token (default : true)
Time To Live
  • idTTL : TTL of ID Token (default to 3600)
  • accessTokenTTL : TTL of access token (default to 3600)
  • refreshTokenTTL : TTL of refresh token (default to 14 24 3600)
Basic Oauth names
  • realm : Realm value (default to Service)
  • tokenQueryName : name of the access token parameter (default to access_token)
  • tokenBearerName : name of authorization header (default to Bearer)
Enforce parameters
  • enforceState : enforce state parameter (default to true)
  • allowOnlyRedirectUri : need exact redirect URI (default to true)
  • allowOpenIdConnect : enable openId connect (default : false) // not implemented yet

User identity and Web user

Configure the user component to link oauth2 system and user / identity management

return [
    'components' => [
        'user' => [
            'class' => 'sweelix\oauth2\server\web\User',
            'identityClass' => 'app\models\User', // Identity class must implement UserModelInterface
            // Parameters

IdentityClass must implements sweelix\oauth2\server\interfaces\UserModelInterface. You can use the trait sweelix\oauth2\server\traits\IdentityTrait to automagically implement

  • public function getRestrictedScopes()
  • public function setRestrictedScopes($scopes)
  • public static function findIdentityByAccessToken($token, $type = null)

you will have to implement the remaining methods :

  • public static function findByUsernameAndPassword($username, $password)
  • public static function findByUsername($username)

Creating specific view for OAuth2

In order to use your own views (instead of the builtin ones), you can override

  • layout : module parameter overrideLayout
  • viewPath : module parameter overrideViewPath
Overriding layout

You should create a classic layout like :

 * @app/views/layouts/newLayout.php
 * @var string $content
use yii\helpers\Html;

$this->beginPage(); ?>
    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
        <title><?php echo Html::encode($this->title); ?></title>

        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

        <?php $this->head(); ?>
        <?php $this->beginBody(); ?>
            <?php echo $content;?>
        <?php $this->endBody(); ?>

<?php $this->endPage();

and link it to the module

return [
    'modules' => [
        'oauth2' => [
            'class' => 'sweelix\oauth2\server\Module',
            'overrideLayout' => '@app/views/layouts/newLayout',
            // Additional Parameters
Overriding views

You should create 3 views to allow oauth2 module to work as expected and link them to the module

return [
    'modules' => [
        'oauth2' => [
            'class' => 'sweelix\oauth2\server\Module',
            // use views in folder oauth2
            'overrideViewPath' => '@app/views/oauth2',
            // Additional Parameters
Error view

This view is used to display a page when an error occurs

 * error.php
 * @var string $type error type
 * @var string $description error description
use yii\helpers\Html;

    <h1 class="alert-heading"><?php echo ($type ? : 'Unkown error'); ?></h1>
    <p><?php echo ($description ? : 'Please check your request'); ?></p>

Login view

This view is used to display a login page when needed

 * login.php
 * @var \sweelix\oauth2\server\forms\User $user
use yii\helpers\Html;
    <?php echo Html::beginForm('', 'post', ['novalidate' => 'novalidate']); ?>
        <?php echo Html::activeTextInput($user, 'username', [
            'required' => 'required',
        ]); ?>
        <?php echo Html::activePasswordInput($user, 'password', [
            'required' => 'required',
        ]); ?>
        <button type="submit">LOGIN</button>
    <?php echo Html::endForm(); ?>

Authorize view

This view is used to display an authorization page when needed

 * authorize.php
 * @var \sweelix\oauth2\server\interfaces\ScopeModelInterface[] $requestedScopes
 * @var \sweelix\oauth2\server\interfaces\ClientModelInterface $client
use yii\helpers\Html;
    <h1><?php echo $client->name ?> <span>requests access</span></h1>
    <?php echo Html::beginForm(); ?>
        <?php if(empty($requestedScopes) === false) : ?>
            <?php foreach($requestedScopes as $scope): ?>
                <h4><?php echo $scope->id; ?></h4>
                    <?php echo $scope->definition; ?>
            <?php endforeach; ?>
        <?php endif; ?>
            <!-- name of decline button **must be** decline -->
            <button type="submit" name="decline">DECLINE</button>
            <!-- name of accept button **must be** accept -->
            <button type="submit" name="accept">AUTHORIZE</button>
    <?php echo Html::endForm(); ?>

Linking RBAC and Scope systems

Using sweelix\oauth2\server\web\User class will automagically link rbac system and oauth2 system.

Permission system will be slightly modified to allow fine grained checks :

  • Yii::$app->user->can('read') will check

    1. if scope read is allowed for current client
    2. if rbac permission read is allowed for current user
  • Yii::$app->user->can('rbac:read') will check only if rbac permission read is allowed for current user

  • Yii::$app->user->can('oauth2:read') will check only if scope read is allowed for current client

CLI System

Several commands are available to manage oauth2 system

  • php protected/yii.php oauth2:client/create
  • php protected/yii.php oauth2:client/update
  • php protected/yii.php oauth2:key/create
  • php protected/yii.php oauth2:scope/create

Running the tests

Before running the tests, you should edit the file tests/config/redis.php and change the config to match your environment.


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Yii Version: 2.0
License: BSD-2-Clause
Category: Auth
Developed by: kiwisoft
Created on: Nov 7, 2016
Last updated: 7 years ago