yii2-jms-serializer JMS Serializer extension for the Yii framework


  1. Install
  2. Usage

This extension provides a Serializer component, that would allow you to use JMS Serializer library with Yii framework 2.0.

JMSSerializer allows you to (de-)serialize data of any complexity. Currently, this extension supports JSON and XML.

It also provides you with a rich tool-set to adapt the output to your specific needs.

Built-in features include:

  • (De-)serialize data of any complexity; circular references are handled gracefully.
  • Supports many built-in PHP types (such as dates)
  • Supports versioning, e.g. for APIs
  • Configurable via PHP, XML and YAML

For license information check the LICENSE-file.

Documentation is at docs/guide/README.md.

Build Status


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist krtv/yii2-jms-serializer

or add

"krtv/yii2-jms-serializer": "~2.0.0"

to the require section of your composer.json.


To use this extension, simply add the following code in your application configuration:

    return [
        // ...
        'components' => [
            'serializer' => [
                'class' => 'krtv\yii2\serializer\Serializer',
                'formats' => [
                    // XML is also available to use.
                    // 'xml',
                // Uncomment if you would like to use handlers: http://jmsyst.com/libs/serializer/master/handlers
                // 'handlers' => [
                //    'datetime' => [
                //        'defaultFormat' => 'c',  // ISO8601
                //    ],
                //    'my_handler' => [
                //        'class' => 'app\\serializer\\handler\\MyHandler',
                //    ],
                //    // ...
                // ],
                // Uncomment if you would like to use different naming strategy for properties.
                // "camel_case" is a default one. Available strategies are: "camel_case", "identical" and "custom".
                // 'namingStrategy' => [
                //     'name' => 'camel_case',
                //     'options' => [
                //         'separator' => '_',
                //         'lowerCase' => true,
                //     ],
                // ],
                // Uncomment if you would like to configure class-metadata or enable cache.
                // 'metadata' => [
                //     'cache' => true,
                //     'directories' => [
                //         [
                //             'namespace' => 'Foo\\Bar',
                //             'alias' => '@app/config/serializer/foo/bar',
                //         ],
                //         // ...
                //     ]
                // ],
            // ...
        // ...

Now you can access to an `krtv\yii2\serializer\Serializer` instance through `\Yii::$app->serializer` or `\Yii::$container->get('serializer')`.

Data serialization:

echo $serializer->serialize(['foo' => 'bar'], 'json'); // {"foo": "bar"}
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1 follower
Yii Version: 2.0
License: MIT
Category: Web Service
Developed by: Dmitrii Korotovskii
Created on: Oct 5, 2015
Last updated: 8 years ago

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