yii2-cpanel-email-creator With this extension you will be able to easly programatically create,update,delete cPanel mail account from yii2-app

  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Resources

With this extension you will be able to easly programatically create,update,delete cPanel email account from your yii2 application.

With this component you are able to:

  • Create new mail accounts

  • Change existing account disk quota

  • Change existing accounts their passwords

  • Delete accounts


Yii 2.0 or above


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

After you have installed composer to install this component you need to run:

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist filipajdacic/yii2-cpanel-email-creator "*"

or add to the require section in your composer.json file this line:

"filipajdacic/yii2-cpanel-email-creator": "*"


Once the extension is installed, just add in your config file:

'components' => array(
    'cpanelemailcreator' => array(
        'class' => 'filipajdacic\cpanelemailcreator\EmailCreator',
        'port' => '2083', // it can be also 2086
        'cpanel_username' => 'YOUR_CPANEL_USERNAME',
        'cpanel_password' => 'YOUR_CPANEL_PASSWORD'

and enter your params like ip, port, cpanel username and password.

After you have configured component you can finally use like this:

1. Create a new mail account:

$domain = "mywebsite.com";
$email_username = "john.doe";
$email_password = "myaccountpassword123!";
$email_quota = 500; // in MB

$create_mail_account_result = Yii::$app->cpanelemailcreator->createNewAccount(

if($create_mail_account_result) {
	$result =  "Mail account ".$email_username."@".$domain." is created.";
} else {
	$result =  "Mail account is not created. Reason:".$create_mail_account_result;

echo $result;

2. Change existing email account password:

$domain = "mywebsite.com";
$email_username = "john.doe";
$email_new_password = "mynewaccountpassword123$";

$change_password_result = 	Yii::$app->cpanelemailcreator->changeAccountPassword( 

if($change_password_result) {
	$result = "Mail account password for ".$email_username." is changed.";
} else {
	$result = "Password is not changed. Reason:".$change_password_result;

echo $result;

3. Change existing email account disk quota:

$domain = "mywebsite.com";
$email_username = "john.doe";
$email_new_quota = "10000"; // in MB

$change_mail_quota_result = 	Yii::$app->cpanelemailcreator->changeEmailQuota( 

if($change_mail_quota_result) {
	$result = "Mail quota for ".$email_username." is changed to ".$email_new_quota." MB.";
} else {
	$result = "Mail quota is not changed. Reason:".$change_password_result;

echo $result;

4.Deleting existing email account:

$domain = "mywebsite.com";
$email_username = "john.doe";

$delete_mail_result = 	Yii::$app->cpanelemailcreator->deleteMailAccount( 

if($delete_mail_result) {
	$result = "Mail account ".$email_username."@".$domain." is deleted."; 
} else {
	$result = "Mail account is not deleted. Reason:".$change_password_result;

echo $result;


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1 follower
Yii Version: 2.0
License: MIT
Category: Mail
Developed by: Filip Ajdacic
Created on: Jun 26, 2016
Last updated: 8 years ago

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