sformwizard Turn your normal form into a multi step ajax form with minimal effort!

SFormWizard is a wrapper for http://thecodemine.org

Features: Turn a normal form into a multi-step ajax form in no time. A bunch of events,options and methods (see link above).

Installation: unzip to protected/extensions/sformwizard

Make sure your form has an id (or other unique identifier)

Then, divide your normal form into steps by adding class="step" to any div AND give each div an unique id. this id can be anything. To use other elements then a div tag, please see http://thecodemine.org Leave the submit button outside of the steps Example:

<div class="step" id="Step1">
<div class="row">
 <p class="note">Fields with <span class="required">*</span> are required.</p>

 <?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'title'); ?>
 <?php echo $form->textField($model,'title',array('size'=>80,'maxlength'=>128)); ?>
 <?php echo $form->error($model,'title'); ?>
<div class="row">
 <?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'content'); ?>
 <?php echo CHtml::activeTextArea($model,'content',array('rows'=>10, 'cols'=>70)); ?>
 <p class="hint">You may use <a target="_blank" href="http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax">Markdown syntax</a>.</p>
 <?php echo $form->error($model,'content'); ?>

Minimum code:

	'selector'=>"#post-form", //change this to the jquery selector for your form

All options and their default values (see SFormWizard.php for description of each or visit http://thecodemine.org

	'historyEnabled' =>"false",
	'validationEnabled' => "false",
	'validationOptions' => "undefined",
	'formPluginEnabled' => "false",
	'formOptions' => '{ reset: "true",}, success: function(data) {        alert("success"); }',
	'linkClass' =>".link",
	'submitStepClass' =>".submit_step",
	'back' => ":reset",
	'next' => ":submit",
	'textSubmit' => "Submit",
	'textNext' => "Next",
	'textBack' =>"Back",
	'remoteAjax' =>"undefined",
	'inAnimation' => "{opacity:'show'}",
	'outAnimation' => "{opacity:'hide'}",
	'inDuration' => 400,
	'outDuration' => 400,
	'easing' => "swing",
	'focusFirstInput' => "false",
	'disableInputFields' => "true",
	'disableUIStyles' => "false",
	'jsAfterStepShown'=>	'',

A more complex but far from full featured example that uses ajax: For this we need to slightly modify out controller action. This is the how it should look in the blog demo (PostController). Note you can customize as much if you want if you understand the code.

public function actionCreate()
  $model=new Post;
   $link = CHtml::link('Click here to see your new post','view?id='.$model->id);
   echo CJSON::encode($link);
  //if the form is submitted without ajax 			
      echo CJSON::encode("Error! Could not save the model");

Next: Add a couple of placeholder divs below your form

<div id="stepmessage"></div>
<div id="data"></div>

And then the widgetcall:

   'historyEnabled' =>"true",
   'validationEnabled' => "true",
   'validationOptions' => "undefined",
   'formPluginEnabled' => "true",
   'formOptions' => '{
    success: function(data){$("#stepmessage").fadeTo(500,1,function(){    $("#stepmessage").html(data); })},
    beforeSubmit: function(data){
    $("#data").html("data sent to the server: " + $.param(data));
    dataType: "json",
    resetForm: true
    }	',
   'linkClass' =>".link",
   'submitStepClass' =>".submit_step",
   'back' => ":reset",
   'next' => ":submit",
   'textSubmit' => "Submit",
   'textNext' => "Next",
   'textBack' =>"Back",
   'remoteAjax' =>"undefined",
   'inAnimation' => "{opacity:'show'}",
   'outAnimation' => "{opacity:'hide'}",
   'inDuration' => 400,
   'outDuration' => 400,
   'easing' => "swing",
   'focusFirstInput' => "true",
   'disableInputFields' => "true",
   'disableUIStyles' => "false",
   'jsAfterStepShown'=>	'
   /* 	Available in data (data.steps ,data.settings etc):
	isBackNavigation - boolean
	settings - options object containing the options set for the wizard
	activatedSteps - list of activated steps (visited steps)
	isLastStep - boolean specifying whether the current step is a submit step
	isFirstStep - boolean
	previousStep - the id of the previously visited step
	currentStep - the id of the current step
	steps - the steps of the wizard 
	firstStep - the id of the first step
    $.each(data.activatedSteps, function(){
    $("#stepmessage").append(this+" - ");
   var currentstepnumber = data.activatedSteps.length;					
   $("#stepmessage").append("<br/>Step "+currentstepnumber+"/"+data.steps.length);',


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3 135 downloads
Yii Version: 1.1
License: BSD-2-Clause
Category: User Interface
Developed by: Sampa
Created on: Jul 14, 2012
Last updated: 12 years ago


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