mgrechanik/yii2-categories-and-tags Active Record hierarchical categories and tags for Yii2 framework

Active Record hierarchical categories (or tags) for Yii2 framework

  1. Table of contents
  2. Goal
  3. Demo
  4. Installing

Русская версия

Table of contents


This extension gives you the module with the next functionality:

  1. It connects `Active Recordmodels of one table to a tree according toMaterialized path` algorithm using this extension
  2. You can use your own `ActiveRecord` model with fields you need by inheriting it from base category model of this extension. Details
  3. This module follows approach of universal module
  4. In fact you will have a set of `Active Recordmodels connected into a tree withCRUD` operations with them at backend section

    • This module gives no frontend section since we are not aware of what will be put into category
    • It will also fit to serve for tags system (if they are organized hierarchically)
    • Functionality of `CRUD` pages provides a possibility to set up/change a position of each node in the tree to any valid position
    • The futher work with a category tree is meant by using Materialized path extension ! Example
    • The index page of viewing a categories tree assumes that all category needs to be displayed, without pagination or filtering


The functionality of backend section will look like: Functionality of category we get


Installing through composer:

The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.:

Either run composer require --prefer-dist mgrechanik/yii2-categories-and-tags

or add "mgrechanik/yii2-categories-and-tags" : "~1.0.0" to the require section of your composer.json


If you do not need additional fields to category `Active Record` model (details) then the table for default category can be created by running:

php yii migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/mgrechanik/yii2-categories-and-tags/src/console/migrations
Setting the module up

As was mentioned before this module follows the approach of universal module, and since it gives you only backend pages when you set it up into your application specify the next `mode:php

'modules' => [
    'category' => [
        'class' => 'mgrechanik\yii2category\Module',
        'mode' => 'backend',
        // Other module settings
    // ...

Done. When you access ```/category``` page you will see all your categories in a form of a tree.


## Default AR category model of this extension  <span id="default-ar"></span> 

The **required** fields for category model are ```id, path, level, weight ``` (`id` is the **primary key**), 
they serve to saving tree position. The rest of the fields are ones you need.

If you are satisfied with only one additional text field - ```name``` - then this extension provides
[Category]( model which is set as the default category model of the module.

The work precisely with it is shown at [demo](#demo) above.


## Using your own AR model  <span id="custom-ar"></span>   

If having one additional ```name``` field [default](#default-ar) category model gives is not enough 
there is a way to use your own model with fields you need which will serve as a category model.

To do this you need to follow the next steps:

#### А) Setting up your AR model <span id="custom-ar-a"></span>

1) Generate the class of your AR model starting from table created by migration similar to [Category model migration]( The main point here are [required](#default-ar) fields

2) Change the code of your AR model exactly like we did the same with [Category]( model: 
* change the table name
* make it to be inherited from ```BaseCategory``` class
* Set up your additional fields in ```rules(), attributeLabels()```

3) Set up your module to use this category model by using it's ```$categoryModelClass``` property

4) If your model does not have ```name``` field you need to set up [```$indentedNameCreatorCallback```](#indented-name) module property

#### B) Setting up your category form model <span id="custom-ar-b"></span>

AR model and form model are separated so the steps similar to **A)** need to be performed to your form model.

1) Create your form model starting from [CategoryForm]( 
In the default form we added only one field - ```name``` but you need to add your own. Do not forget about inheritance from ```BaseCategoryForm```

2) Set up your module to use this category form model by using it's ```$categoryFormModelClass``` property

#### C) Setting up views <span id="custom-ar-c"></span>

This module has an opportunity to set up [which views to use](#setup-views).

The ones of them with information which vary needs to be copied, changed as needed and set up to module.

#### Ready to use examples of this module variations <span id="custom-ar-examples"></span>

Nowadays there are the next variations of this module:
* [SEO categories](


## Module settings <span id="settings"></span>

[Setting up](#setup) the module into application we can use it's next properties:

#### ```$categoryModelClass``` 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- Which category AR model class to use

#### ```$categoryFormModelClass``` 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- Which category form model class to use

#### ```$indentedNameCreatorCallback``` <span id="indented-name">
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- Callback which will create the label of the category at the categories page
considering indent needed to show categories as a tree

#### ```$categoryIndexView```, ```$categoryCreateView```, ```$categoryUpdateView```, ```$categoryFormView```, ```$categoryViewView``` <span id="setup-views"></span>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- The corresponding **views** for module to use. 
For it's format look into [documentation](

#### ```$redirectToIndexAfterCreate``` 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- Whether to redirect to the categories page after new element has been created.  
```True``` by default. With ```false``` the redirect will be to category view page

#### ```$redirectToIndexAfterUpdate``` 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- Similar to the previous property but for updation task

#### ```$validateCategoryModel``` 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- Whether to validate category model before saving.  
Default ```false``` when we consider that the validation form performes is enough

#### ```$creatingSuccessMessage```, ```$updatingSuccessMessage```, ```$deletingSuccessMessage``` 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- The texts of flash messages.  
If you change them do not forget about their translations in the ```yii2category``` source


## Example of displaying a categories tree at frontend <span id="frontend-output"></span>

If you need to output your categories tree into any template just run:
use mgrechanik\yiimaterializedpath\ServiceInterface;
// This is our default category model:
use mgrechanik\yii2category\models\Category;
use mgrechanik\yiimaterializedpath\widgets\TreeToListWidget;

// get the trees managing service
$service = \Yii::createObject(ServiceInterface::class);
// Get the element relevant to who we build the tree.
// In our case it is the Root node
$root = $service->getRoot(Category::class);
// Build the tree from descendants of the Root node
$tree = $service->buildDescendantsTree($root);
// Print at the page
print TreeToListWidget::widget(['tree' => $tree]);

You will see the next tree:

  • Laptops & PC
    • Laptops
    • PC
  • Phones & Accessories
    • Smartphones
      • Android
      • iOS
    • Batteries
0 0
1 follower
Yii Version: 2.0
License: BSD-3-Clause
Category: Database
Developed by: Pathfinder
Created on: Jan 27, 2020
Last updated: (not set)
Packagist Profile
Github Repository

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