cebe/yii2-loki-log-target Grafana Loki Log Target for Yii2


  1. Requirements
  2. Install
  3. Usage

Grafana Loki Log Target for Yii2.


  • PHP 7.1 or higher (works with PHP 8)
  • Yii 2


composer require cebe/yii2-loki-log-target


Add the log target to your application config:

// ...
'components' => [
    // ...
    'log' => [
        // ...
        'targets' => [
                'class' => \cebe\lokilogtarget\LokiLogTarget::class,
                //'enabled' => YII_ENV_PROD,

                'lokiPushUrl' => '',
                'lokiAuthUser' => 'loki', // HTTP Basic Auth User
                'lokiAuthPassword' => '...', // HTTP Basic Auth Password

                'levels' => ['error', 'warning', 'info'],

                // optionally exclude categories
                'except' => [

                // optionally re-map log level for certain categories
                'levelMap' => [
                    // yii category
                    'yii\web\HttpException:404' => [
                        // yii level => loki level
                        // set loki level to false, to drop messages with that category
                        '*' => 'info',
                    'yii\web\HttpException:401' => [
                        // yii level => loki level
                        // set loki level to false, to drop messages with that category
                        '*' => 'warning',


See also

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1 follower
3 678 downloads
Yii Version: 2.0
License: MIT
Category: Logging
Developed by: CeBe
Created on: May 23, 2023
Last updated: (not set)
Packagist Profile
Github Repository

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