Wiki articles

Showing 221-240 of 822 items.

Easy way to redirect http:\\localhost\yii2-basic to http:\\localhost\yii2-basic\web\index.php

Created 9 years ago by Scott_Huang, updated 9 years ago by Scott_Huang.

First of all, install yii2 basic template according below link:

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Viewed: 71 005 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tips

Rendering a view file in a console application

Created 12 years ago by Tompi, updated 12 years ago by Tompi.

When someone want to send formatted HTML mails from a console application she/he will probably come across the problem of rendering view files.

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Viewed: 19 866 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos


Created 10 years ago by ezekielnoob, updated 10 years ago by ezekielnoob.

what i am going to introduce is a coding style that will result into a single page generated from different requests like in the example below this makes the specific request reusable instead of just an action being accessible to the controller in which the widgets are created

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Viewed: 30 365 times
Version: Unknown (update)
Category: How-tos

CSS, JS and image URL shortcut methods

Created 14 years ago by jonah, updated 11 years ago by jonah.

Below I have created an Html helper with methods to help me locate directories of my assets dynamically. Such assets may include CSS, JavaScript and images.

2 1
Viewed: 36 820 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Tags: URL

Remove Byte Order Mark (BOM) from files recursively

Created 10 years ago by Kostas Apazidis (KonApaz), updated 5 years ago by samdark.

The problem was that all my web applications ran normally on localhost, but on server the Greek characters (or any other no-english characters) displayed with problems.

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Viewed: 33 274 times
Version: all
Category: How-tos

two or more different collected data in one CGridView

Created 10 years ago by Kostas Apazidis (KonApaz), updated 10 years ago by CeBe.

Assume that you have teachers and students model.

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Viewed: 18 374 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Using to send formatted, trackable emails from Yii applications

Created 10 years ago by MikeT, updated 4 years ago by Maurizio Domba Cerin.

Apostle provides a nifty facility for sending app-generated, transactional emails from your application including Wordpress-like mail formatting and full tracking (delivery, opening, clicking etc.) of all emails sent. No need to set up email facilities on your app server!

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Viewed: 13 112 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos
Tags: email, mail

Customize CGridView columns directly in your view

Created 11 years ago by clapas, updated 11 years ago by clapas.

You usually take a model instance passed into your view to provide data to a CGridView in this way:

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Viewed: 39 179 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Mais segurança em suas aplicações com Yii e PHPIDS

Created 13 years ago by Rafael Garcia, updated 13 years ago by Rafael Garcia.

PHPIDS é conhecido projeto que pode ser visto em

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Viewed: 12 453 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

A simple go back button widget

Created 11 years ago by CTala, updated 11 years ago by bennouna.

We all know that widgets are really useful. We can use the almost everywhere we want, and we can use the same code a lot of times ( Almost OOP ).

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Viewed: 37 016 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

My Own Components Folder in Yii2

Created 9 years ago by CTala, updated 9 years ago by CTala.

In Yii1 I used to have my own components under the components folder of the structure, now with namespacing this is a little bit different.

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Viewed: 20 826 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tips

Create sitemap.xml file dynamically on root folder with one hit

Created 11 years ago by kiran sharma, updated 11 years ago by kiran sharma.

I had created one controller file which can create sitemap.xml file(which is used for seo, google crawler and many other puropse) dynamically with one run.

2 1
Viewed: 63 678 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos
Tags: SEO, SiteMap, XML

[PT-BR] Proteção Contra Logout CSRF

Created 12 years ago by Rodrigo Coelho, updated 12 years ago by Rodrigo Coelho.

CSRF é o acrônimo para Cross-site request forgery.
CSRF é um ataque que forca o usuário a executar ações não desejadas numa aplicação Web na qual ele está autenticado.

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Viewed: 13 633 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Handling tabular data loading and validation in Yii 2

Created 9 years ago by Kartik V, updated 8 years ago by Said Bakr.

The only differences in Yii 2 is that its much simpler due to available functions in the Model class for loading and validating models.

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Viewed: 59 113 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

Using your own forked version of extensions with composer

Created 9 years ago by Kartik V, updated 8 years ago by Kartik V.

So you want to use a fork of any existing vendor extension with your Yii 2 install and use the fork, instead of original source. This does not need you to push any update or register your package on You are recommended to follow the approach below:

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Viewed: 23 515 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

Ajax form submiting in Yii

Created 11 years ago by sirin k, updated 6 years ago by Maurizio Domba Cerin.

hi guys, Here I'm going to give you a working example of ajax form submiting in Yii.

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Viewed: 168 028 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Yii Security-extended guide

Created 12 years ago by bingjie2680, updated 12 years ago by bingjie2680.

This article is called extended guide is because there is already a security guide in the Yii tutorial security section. but that guide is not complete in the sense that it does not rise the developers' attention to some other commonly happening attacks: SQL injection and magic URL, which can be major vulnerabilities in you...

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Viewed: 30 654 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Using setFlash for displaying various kind of messages

Created 13 years ago by Trejder, updated 13 years ago by Trejder.

In this short how-to I will show how to customize setFlash() to display messages (flashes) styled to be success confirmation, error report or notice information. And how to achieve displaying errors in other way.

5 4
Viewed: 91 851 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Creating a Simple CRUD App With Yii2 (Revised 12/20/2013)

Created 10 years ago by Charles R. Portwood II, updated 10 years ago by Vivek.

By popular demand, today I will be revisiting my previous Yii Framework 2 Getting Started Guide and updating it with what is currently available in the Yii Framework 2 Repository. Provide here is an super simple example CRUD application that will help you get started using the framework.

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Viewed: 304 366 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials

Override/Eliminate Bootstrap CSS/JS for Yii 2.0 widgets

Created 10 years ago by Kartik V, updated 6 years ago by CeBe.

An example of customizing the Yii GridView is mentioned here. You can easily override Bootstrap or other styling defaults by changing the GridView default options.

4 2
Viewed: 55 677 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos