Wiki articles

Showing 21-40 of 823 items.

Ajax update

Created 13 years ago by zaccaria, updated 13 years ago by zaccaria.

Often happens to have the need of change a part of the page with ajax.

16 2
Viewed: 58 442 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips
Tags: AJAX

Reading the doc

Created 13 years ago by zaccaria, updated 13 years ago by Orteko.

Almost all the information you need whilst working with yii is written in the Class Reference.

21 0
Viewed: 12 704 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips
Tags: doc

Using the jamselect widget with min and max values

Created 13 years ago by got 2 doodle, updated 13 years ago by wei.

The keywords will be stored in a text field in a comma delimited format. The keywords will be created by the site administrator.

2 0
1 follower
Viewed: 19 139 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

How to use markItUp! on a text field for full WYSIWYG editing

Created 15 years ago by lucifurious, updated 13 years ago by wei.

This tutorial will show you how to use the Pogostick Yii Extension Library to make an HTML TEXTAREA input element into a full-fledged WYSIWYG editor pretty much with very little code.

3 0
Viewed: 37 630 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

How To Connect With Twitter From Yii

Created 15 years ago by lucifurious, updated 13 years ago by wei.

Here is a quick tutorial for connecting Yii with Twitter using the Pogostick Yii Extensions Library.

4 1
Viewed: 33 661 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Tags: twitter

How to use Highslide for image popups

Created 15 years ago by mocapapa, updated 13 years ago by wei.

>Highslide JS is an open source JavaScript software, offering a Web 2.0 approach to popup windows. It streamlines the use of thumbnail images and HTML popups on web pages. > > + No plugins like Flash or Java required. > + Popup blockers are no problem. The content expands within the active browser window. > + Single click. After opening the image or HTML popup, the user can scroll further down...

1 0
Viewed: 28 416 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Tags: image, popups

How to extend yiic shell commands

Created 15 years ago by qiang, updated 13 years ago by wei.

While yiic shell tool is very convenient at generating skeleton code in our application, the generated code is not always what we want. For example, we may want the generated code to carry specific copyright information; we may want to use our own coding style; we may want to add more features; and so on. All these can be accomplished easily in Yii.

2 0
Viewed: 33 642 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Tags: yiic

How to make use of a fragment cache

Created 15 years ago by dalip, updated 13 years ago by wei.
1 0
Viewed: 17 800 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

How to implement multiple page layouts in an application

Created 15 years ago by qiang, updated 13 years ago by wei.

In this tutorial, we describe how to implement multiple layouts for action views in an application. As an example, we assume that the pages in our application will use three different layouts:

19 0
Viewed: 126 212 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Tags: layout

Implementing cron jobs with Yii

Created 13 years ago by samdark, updated 13 years ago by samdark.

There are two ways to run a cron job:

27 2
Viewed: 114 864 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos
Tags: cli, cron

Using recaptchlib in your projects

Created 13 years ago by Antonio Ramirez, updated 13 years ago by Antonio Ramirez.

It is good when someone writes extensions for us but trust, sometimes we forget about other approaches that, if we know the library, we shouldn't forget.

5 0
Viewed: 15 704 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Module based login

Created 13 years ago by suriyansuresh, updated 13 years ago by suriyansuresh.

If you want to add module based login to a site without using RBAC, please follow these guidelines.

13 0
Viewed: 91 214 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Saving files to a blob field in the database

Created 13 years ago by zaccaria, updated 13 years ago by zaccaria.

As a follow-up from the How to upload a file using a model wiki entry that explains how to save a file to the filesystem, this article will do the same using a blob field in the database.

6 2
Viewed: 80 540 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Installing WAMP - Apache, MySQL, & PHP on Windows 7

Created 14 years ago by Yeti, updated 13 years ago by Trejder.

Installing WAMP on XP was pretty easy; W7 is not so trivial. It's not difficult once you know, but it took me best part of a day to figure out and required gleaning various bits of information from around the web; this tutorial brings it all together in one place to (hopefully) make other peoples lives that bit easier. It does assume that you are reasonably happy configuring Apache, PHP, and MySQL...

2 0
1 follower
Viewed: 45 989 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Yii and XAMPP server on Windows

Created 13 years ago by Trejder, updated 13 years ago by Trejder.

This article explains issues about installing XAMPP server package (Lite version) on Windows OS and configuring it for serving webapps written in Yii. Please note, that XAMPP is available for many more platforms and systems. I write about Windows edition as it was the only one tested by me.

3 0
0 follower
Viewed: 80 120 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Code style

Created 13 years ago by zaccaria, updated 13 years ago by g3ck0.

Often, when writing widgets or editing Yii code, it is unclear whether or not the code is following the MVC pattern.

29 0
Viewed: 28 314 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips
Tags: mvc

Add charts / print buttons to your webapp

Created 14 years ago by CoLT, updated 13 years ago by CoLT.

In this article you will find Yii framework extensions enabling you to add various charts/print out buttons etc. to your webapp.

6 0
Viewed: 38 598 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Directory independent extensions

Created 13 years ago by GOsha, updated 13 years ago by GOsha.

Many people want to use downloaded extensions in their own way. As for me most of the extensions require me to correct Yii::import() instructions inside their source code. All these extensions are directory dependent. To avoid the situation described above, I suggest to implement pseudo-anonymous aliases:

// take the curr...
16 1
Viewed: 17 247 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Using the jqueryslidemenu plugin with CMenu

Created 13 years ago by Antonio Ramirez, updated 13 years ago by pc131.

Yii makes it really easy for all to use their already made objects that automate everything we do. It provides also great power of flexibility and styling but hey, we programmers tend to complicate our lives and push a little more the power of our tools.

18 1
Viewed: 42 345 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

How To Customize CMenu Output

Created 13 years ago by Angelo, updated 13 years ago by Angelo.

CMenu comes with a lot of great customization options built in but sometimes you need it to do more.

7 0
Viewed: 68 816 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Tags: menu