Drop down list with enum values for column of type ENUM >+> incorporate into giix

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  1. The enumDropDownList
  2. Adding it to giix' CrudCode

Let's say our table 'mug' has a column named 'color' of the type ENUM('red','green','blue').
We want to replace the textfield for the attribute color in the create and update forms of a 'mug' with a drop down list, which has the enum values as options.
The main code was contributed by zaccaria in the forum (see this post).

I merely repeat that useful peace of code here, so it is available in the wikis, and describe how you can incorporate it into giix, so the drop down list is added automatically during code generation.

The enumDropDownList

Create the file ..\components\ZHtml.php with the following code:

class ZHtml extends CHtml
	public static function enumDropDownList($model, $attribute, $htmlOptions=array())
	  return CHtml::activeDropDownList( $model, $attribute, self::enumItem($model,  $attribute), $htmlOptions);
	public static function enumItem($model,$attribute) {
		foreach(explode("','", $matches[1]) as $value) {
		return $values;

Then use it in the view files with:

<?php echo ZHtml::enumDropDownList( $model,'color' ); ?>

Adding it to giix' CrudCode

If you use giix for code generation, you can put the code above into the file ..\extensions\giix-components\GxHtml.php (only the function definitions, not the 'class' part).

Then add the following code into the file ..\extensions\giix-components\GxActiveForm.php:

public function enumDropDownList($model, $attribute, $htmlOptions = array()){
		return GxHtml::enumDropDownList($model, $attribute, $htmlOptions);

Now you can use it in your view files with:

<?php echo $form->enumDropDownList($model, 'color')); ?>

To edit giix so it adds this line into the view files during code generation: in the file ..\extensions\giix-core\giixCrud\GiixCrudCode.php find the function generateActiveField. Add the condition for the enum type (enclosed between /*NEW_BEGIN* and /*NEW_END*/) into the code, so it looks like:

if (strtoupper($column->dbType) == 'TINYINT(1)'
		|| strtoupper($column->dbType) == 'BIT'
		|| strtoupper($column->dbType) == 'BOOL'
		|| strtoupper($column->dbType) == 'BOOLEAN') {
	return "echo \$form->checkBox(\$model, '{$column->name}')";
else if (stripos($column->dbType, 'enum') !== false) {
	return "echo \$form->enumDropDownList(\$model, '{$column->name}')";
} /*NEW_END*/
else if (strtoupper($column->dbType) == 'DATE') {

That's it. If something is unclear/wrong/incomplete or you have other suggestions please let me know.

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Viewed: 52 754 times
Version: Unknown (update)
Category: How-tos
Written by: c@cba
Last updated by: nsanden
Created on: Feb 12, 2012
Last updated: 11 years ago
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