Extensions tagged with "user interface"

Showing 85-89 of 89 items.


User Interface 5 0
jQuery based Widgets for Yii Framework
Created by bluyell, 11 years ago.


User Interface 4 740
Based on Robin Herbots jquery.inputmask 3.1.34 ,This extension helps the user with the input by ensuring a predefined format.
Created by Vilo, 9 years ago.


User Interface 0 465
An xHtml compliant drop-in replacement for CButtonColumn to allow submit buttons and buttons in the column filter cell
Created by RedRabbit, 12 years ago.


User Interface 1 593
image gallery for administrators
Created by bluyell, 11 years ago.


User Interface 0 0
Yii widget for Noty jQuery notification plugin
Created by Mohammed Shifrin, 8 years ago.