Extensions in category Database

Showing 97-108 of 133 items.


Database 7 340
This adds parse.com database to your application where you can operate parse objects from Yii
Created by khajaamin, 10 years ago.


Database 8 294
Yii command to create database migrations from existing schema
Created by schmunk, 11 years ago.


Database 8 1825
Using multiple databases connections in models and gii
Created by Gustavo, 13 years ago.


Database 8 0
A solr extension to allow fast and easy full text searching with Yii
Created by phpnode, 12 years ago.


Database 8 1483
CArrayDataProvider takes an array of AR models for being used in an zii Widget like CListView.
Created by thyseus, 14 years ago.


Database 9 1189
CActiveRecord subclass for easier handling of multilingual content
Created by guillemc, 14 years ago, updated 12 years ago.


Database 9 1559
Extension to MigrateCommand that adds module support and many more usefull features.
Created by CeBe, 13 years ago, updated 12 years ago.


Database 9 2657
TreeBehavior TreeActions TreeWidget
Created by qq71151461, 14 years ago, updated 12 years ago.


Database 9 2547
Batch model class generation with relations from MySQL workbench mwb file
Created by unikly, 15 years ago.


Database 10 1596
Inspired by and put together the awesomeness of many yii extensions that aim to improve saving of related records.
Created by CeBe, 12 years ago, updated 6 years ago.


Database 10 0
Provides object oriented access to Redis in a familiar Yii Style
Created by phpnode, 12 years ago.


Database 10 0
An ActiveRecord like wrapper for the (RESTful) Neo4j graph database
Created by Haensel, 12 years ago.