Extensions in category Database, tagged with "behavior"

Showing 1-12 of 32 items.


Database 0 194
Fast arbitrary sorting algorithm based on sparse array
Created by wartur, 9 years ago.


Database 0 0
it will automaticly take care about any model list_order (display_order, etc) fields
Created by dragan.zivkovic, 9 years ago.


Database 2 354
This extension use materialized path structure for managing tree
Created by wartur, 9 years ago.


Database 1 0
Auto Number Extension for Yii 1
Created by Misbahul D Munir, 10 years ago.


Database 0 186
Transform values of attributes before saving to DB and after reading from DB.
Created by yan, 10 years ago.


Database 0 342
Helper for managing manually created order of models
Created by wapmorgan, 10 years ago, updated 9 years ago.


Database 0 774
Behaviour for CActiveRecord that allows to attach tags to a model.
Created by Su_MpaK, 11 years ago.


Database 1 329
Automatically generate some random data sets for a specified model.
Created by thyseus, 11 years ago.


Database 7 2061
Single Page CRUD operations on ActiveRecord models with controller behavior inherited AJAX actions
Created by drumaddict, 11 years ago.


Database 7 1103
A behavior for handling multiple languages in Yii.
Created by Backslider, 11 years ago.


Database 2 787
Allows to save model with INSERT DELAYED query
Created by Anatoly Rugalev, 11 years ago.


Database 0 275
Generate and saves values for sorting field.
Created by gallyamow, 11 years ago.