Extensions tagged with "jquery"

Showing 49-60 of 97 items.


User Interface 4 292
Lightweight jQuery plugin to handle collapsible checkbox's tree.
Created by CGeorge, 13 years ago, updated 11 years ago.


User Interface 4 2325
A set of widgets that encapsulates the markItUp Content Editor
Created by volkmar, 13 years ago.


User Interface 4 871
Multilevel Select Replacement Extension using mcDropdown
Created by xalakox, 13 years ago.


User Interface 4 582
create message if Javascript is disabled
Created by volkmar, 12 years ago.


User Interface 4 2437
This extension adds a multiselect dropdown list. It implements all options of jQuery MultiSelect.
Created by segoddnja, 12 years ago.


User Interface 4 1719
draws neat cloud-shaped word clouds
Created by volkmar, 13 years ago, updated 12 years ago.


User Interface 4 2391
Create collapsible and expandable fieldsets
Created by volkmar, 13 years ago, updated 12 years ago.


User Interface 4 2230
Sponsor Flip Wall With jQuery & CSS, &Yii
Created by morcen, 12 years ago.


User Interface 4 4639
This extension is a wrapper for WYMeditor plugin which adds WYSIWYM editor.
Created by ifdattic, 12 years ago.


User Interface 4 937
Yii extension wrapping the jQuery UI Tagger Widget
Created by Denn1s, 11 years ago.


User Interface 4 924
Widget for using JQuery plugin "Pines Notify - Notifications for Bootstrap or jQuery UI"
Created by Yerlt, 11 years ago.


User Interface 3 1350
Extension for the jQuery notification plugin JNotify
Created by Giovanni D., 13 years ago.