Extensions in category Mail

Showing 1-12 of 23 items.


Mail 0 0
Background mailer decorator for Yii2 using queue component
Created by Blue Spy, 6 years ago.


Mail 0 217
Amazon SES for Yii2
Created by ofatv, 10 years ago.


Mail 0 744
A Yii2 module to do on-screen bulk validation of e-mails
Created by t6nnp6nn, 5 years ago.


Mail 0 164
A widget that displays a mailchimp subscription form
Created by oligalma, 8 years ago, updated 5 years ago.


Mail 0 0
Email wrapper to use postmarkapp service
Created by kiwisoft, 8 years ago, updated 7 years ago.


Mail 0 89744
Email queue component for yii2 that works with yii2-swiftmailer.
Created by nterms, 5 years ago.


Mail 0 542
Groovy Email Template
Created by agsachdev, 5 years ago.


Mail 0 0
With this extension you will be able to easly programatically create,update,delete cPanel mail account from yii2-app
Created by Filip Ajdacic, 8 years ago.


Mail 0 14951
Extension for creating of email templates and manage using your site dashboard
Created by greeflas, 6 years ago.


Mail 0 1576
Yii2 Mailer extension for SendGrid with batch mailing support. This extension is designed to replace them all! The only Yii2 ...
Created by ariretiarno, 2 years ago.


Mail 0 14821
Queue mailer decorator for Yii2 framework
Created by Alexey Samoylov, 6 years ago.


Mail 0 28354
yii2 extension to read and process mails from IMAP and PHP
Created by kekaadrenalin, 4 years ago.