yiirestmodel The RESTful API for models with searching, filtering, relations and other features.

  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Get records
  5. Deleting
  6. Creating
  7. Creating collection
  8. Updating
  9. Updating collection
  10. limit, offset, order
  11. Response format

The extension allows easy and fast create useful RESTful API for new or existing project.


  • PHP 5.4.0 (or later)
  • YiiFramework 1.1.14 (or later)
  • PHPUnit 3.7 (or later) to run tests.
Docuentation and sources can be found on github


  • Extract files under protected/extensions/yiirestmodel.
  • Add import in config
  • Add requirement to composer.json "goodnickoff/yiirestmodel": "dev-master"
  • Add import in config

add following rules to urlManager in your config:

      array('api/<controller>/list', 'pattern'=>'api/<controller:\w+>', 'verb'=>'GET'),
      array('api/<controller>/view', 'pattern'=>'api/<controller:\w+>/<id:\d+>', 'verb'=>'GET'),

      array('api/<controller>/create', 'pattern'=>'api/<controller:\w+>', 'verb'=>'POST'),

      array('api/<controller>/update', 'pattern'=>'api/<controller:\w+>/<id:\d+>', 'verb'=>'PUT'),
      array('api/<controller>/update', 'pattern'=>'api/<controller:\w+>', 'verb'=>'PUT'),

      array('api/<controller>/delete', 'pattern'=>'api/<controller:\w+>/<id:\d+>', 'verb'=>'DELETE'),
      array('api/<controller>/delete', 'pattern'=>'api/<controller:\w+>', 'verb'=>'DELETE'),


Create module and controllers in it. Extend your controllers from ApiController class.

Simple controller example:

class CommentsController extends ApiController
    public function __construct($id, $module = null) 
        $this->model = new Comment('read'); //model for fetching data.
        parent::__construct($id, $module);

     * Function returns comment data
     * @method GET
    public function actionView()

     * Function returns comments list
     * @method GET
    public function actionList()

     * Function creates new comment.
     * @method POST
    public function actionCreate()

     * Function updates comment.
     * @method PUT
    public function actionUpdate(){

     * Function deletes comment.
     * @method DELETE
    public function actionDelete()
        $userData = $this->delete();

    public function getRelations() 
        return array(
            'creator'=>array(       // relation GET parameter name (...?with=creator)
                'relationName'=>'user',  //model relation name
                'columnName'=>'creator', //column name in response
                'return'=>'array'        //'array'|'object'  return array or model object

Advanced controller example with RBAC and sanitizing data:

class UsersController extends ApiController

    public function __construct($id, $module = null) 
        $this->model = new User('read');
        parent::__construct($id, $module);

     * Function returns user data
     * @method GET
    public function actionView()
        if (!Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('getUser')) {
        $userData = $this->getView(false);
        $this->sendJson($this->sanitizeUserData($userData), $this->statusCode);

     * Function returns user list
     * @method GET
    public function actionList()
        if (!Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('getUser')) {

        $userData = $this->getList(false);

            $this->statusCode==200 ? array($this->getContentRangeHeader()) : array()

     * Function creates new user
     * @method POST
    public function actionCreate()
        if (!Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('createUser')) {


        $userData = $this->create(false);


     * Function updates user.
     * @method PUT
    public function actionUpdate()
        if (!Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('updateUser')) {


        $userData = $this->update(false);


     * Function deletes user.
     * @method DELETE
    public function actionDelete()
        if (!Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('deleteUser')) {


        $userData = $this->delete(false);


    public function getRelations() 
        return array(
            'comments'=>array(          // relation GET parameter name (...?with=comments)
                'relationName'=>'comments',  //model relation name
                'columnName'=>'comments',    //column name in response
                'return'=>'array'            //return array of arrays or array of models

     * Function returns sanitized user data
     * @param array $userData user data or collection of user data
     * @return array sanitized user data
    private function sanitizeUserData($userData)
        function unsetData(&$data){
            return $data;

        if ($this->isCollection($userData)) {
            foreach ($userData as &$data) {
        } else {
        return $userData;

Get records

GET: /user - all users
GET: /user/2 - user with id=42
search and filtering
{"name":"alex", "age":"25"} — WHERE name='alex' AND age=25
[{"name":"alex"}, {"age":"25"}]  WHERE name='alex' OR age=25

The comparison operator is intelligently determined based on the first few characters in the given value. In particular, it recognizes the following operators if they appear as the leading characters in the given value:

  • <: the column must be less than the given value.
  • >: the column must be greater than the given value.
  • <=: the column must be less than or equal to the given value.
  • >=: the column must be greater than or equal to the given value.
  • <>: the column must not be the same as the given value.
  • =: the column must be equal to the given value. Examples:
    GET: /users?filter={"name":"alex"} — user with name alex
    GET: /users?filter={"name":"alex", "age":">25"} — user with name alex AND age greater than 25
    GET: /users?filter=[{"name":"alex"}, {"name":"dmitry"}] — user with name alex OR dmitry
    GET: /users?search={"name":"alex"} — user with name contains the substring alex (alexey, alexander, alex)
GET: /user/1?with=comments,posts // get user data with comments and posts array (comma separated list of relations in `with` GET parameter)

response: ~~~ {

"comments":[{"id":"1","text":"..."}, {"id":"2","text":"..."}],
"posts":[{"id":"1","content":"..."}, {"id":"2","content":"..."}],

} ~~~


DELETE: /user/42 - delete user with id = 42
DELETE: /user  - delete all users
DELETE: /user?filter={"first_name":"Alex"} - delete users with name 'Alex'


POST: /user - create new user

pass user data in POST parameters: ~~~ {"name":"jack", surname:"shepard", ...} ~~~

Creating collection

POST: /user - create new users

pass array of users data in POST parameters: ~~~ [

{"name":"jack", surname:"shepard", ...},
{"name":"sayid", surname:"jarrah", ...}

] Will be created two users: 'jack' and 'sayid' ~~~


PUT: /user/42 - update user with id = 42

Updating collection

PUT: /user

pass array in POST parameters: ~~~ [


] ~~~ Will be updated users with id 1 and 2

limit, offset, order

GET: /users/?offset=10&limit=10
GET: /users/?order=id DESC
GET: /users/?order=id ASC
GET: /users/?order=parent_id ASC,ordering ASC
GET: /users/?order=comment.id&with=comment

Response format

By default response is sent in the format of JSON. To change the format of response pass format GET parameter with value xml ~~~ GET: /users?format=xml ~~~

1 0
Yii Version: 1.1
License: BSD-2-Clause
Category: Web Service
Developed by: oledje
Created on: Oct 27, 2014
Last updated: 9 years ago


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