hitcounter Get the hit counter of the web page. Also the client ip address, Organization , Country etc..

This extension is used to get the number of hits of a web page and the client details such as ( Ip address, Host name, Country, City, Region, Organization and so on...

How to use?


How it works?

It takes the web service from the website of www.ipinfo.io

The array elements ?

		'options' => array(
                        'hits' => true,
			    'country',    //Country of the client
			    'org',        //Organization
                        'hostname',   //Host Name
                        'city',       //City
                        'region',     //Region
                        'loc'         //Location code of the client

The version 0.2 includes the data storage of json format. So you can include at any view file where ever you want. Each page is identified using the controller ID and action ID.

The widget will not work at localhost in your local machine. It works only in live servers which is connected globally.

Note ! The details from the Ip address may not exactly match with the live data.

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1 447 downloads
Yii Version: Unknown
License: MIT
Category: Networking
Developed by: Arockia Johnson SR
Created on: Oct 30, 2013
Last updated: 10 years ago


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