cleanassets command line script to clean assets folder.

  1. Usage
  2. Command line arguments
  3. Useful info:
  4. Be carefull. Do backups

CleanAssetsCommand assets is console yii script to clean assets folder. I use this script to clean project /assets folder by my cronbot once a month. You can use it simply from command line or with cron actions.


  1. Copy CleanAssetsCommand to application.commands folder
  2. run yiic help cleanassets to see how to use this script

Command line arguments

--auto - makes script to run in silent mode;

--dir=/path/to/dir - specifies path to directory. If blank - system default path will be applied;

Useful info:

cleanassets on GitHub
How to Run Yiic directly from your app without a shell by jacmoe

Be carefull. Do backups

5 0
Yii Version: 1.1
License: BSD-2-Clause
Category: File System
Developed by: GOsha
Created on: Oct 5, 2011
Last updated: 10 years ago


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