assetparser Less and Sass asset converter for YII2

  1. Requirements
  2. Usage
  3. Resources
  4. Q & A

Only for YII2 with the new Asset Manager, convert Less and Sass files to CSS whithout external tools and executable. The sass and less files are converted with PHP librairies It replace the AssetConverter who use external tools. The Less and Sass file are converted with time source files dependency.


YII 2.0


1)Copy the source to your project in {app}/protected/extensions/asset_parser 2)Modify assetManager in your configuration file {app}/protected/config/main.php

'assetManager' => array(
            'bundles' => require(__DIR__ . '/assets.php'),

'Force'=>true : If you want convert your sass each time without time dependency

The sass files with extension .sass are converted to a .css file The less files with extension .less are converted to a .css file The scss file with extension .scss are converted to a .css file

Example of assets config file /protected/config/assets.php


return array(
	'app' => array(
		'basePath' => '@wwwroot',
		'baseUrl' => '@www',
		'css' => array(
		'js' => array(

		'depends' => array(


Q & A

Where can find a installation example of this extension ?

Decompress the archive

copy to your yii/apps/assetparser

you need to change your apps/assetparser/.htaccess

Try it : http://localhost/yii2/apps/assetparser/

You have a sass file in yii2/apps/assetparser/css/sass_style.sass and less file in yii2/apps/assetparser/css/less_style.less

After running your application yii2/apps/assetparser/css/sass_style.css and yii2/apps/assetparser/css/less_style.css are generated

It's possible to chose a another folder that {app}/protected/extensions/assetparser ?

Yes It Is ! It's possible to adapt assetparser to your spcific environement, it's little bit complex (You need version 1.0.1)

For exeample : Yii Framework : C:\www\xxx\vendor\yiisoft\yii2\framework

Web application: C:\www\xxx\web\index.php

assertparser extension: C:\www\xxx\vendor\yii-ext\assetparser

Config file : C:\www\xxx\app\config\main.php

1) Adapt the configuration file (main.php) In my example : C:\www\xxx\app\config\main.php


'components' => array(


		'assetManager' => array(
            'bundles' => require(__DIR__ . '/assets.php'),
                 'parsers' => array(
                    'sass' => array( // file extension to parse
                        'class' => 'app\extensions\assetparser\Sass',
                        'output' => 'css', // parsed output file type
                        'options' => array(
                            'cachePath' => '@app/runtime/cache/sass-parser' // optional options
                    'scss' => array( // file extension to parse
                        'class' => 'app\extensions\assetparser\Sass',
                        'output' => 'css', // parsed output file type
                        'options' => array() // optional options
                    'less' => array( // file extension to parse
                        'class' => 'app\extensions\assetparser\Less',
                        'output' => 'css', // parsed output file type
                        'options' => array(
                            'auto' => true, // optional options
                            'lessParserPath' => __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/yii-ext/assetparser/vendors/lessphp/'


You need to update lessParserPath defintion to you specific environement 'lessParserPath' => ' DIR . '/../../vendor/yii-ext/assetparser/vendors/lessphp/'

2) You need declare some classMap to YII, because your folder filepath are not standart with YII2 namespace

There are two possibilities

2a) Modifie your index.php ( C:\www\xxx\web\index.php)

defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG', true);

require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/yiisoft/yii2/framework/yii.php');

Yii::$classMap['app\extensions\assetparser\Converter'] =__DIR__ . '/../vendor/yii-ext/assetparser/Converter.php';
Yii::$classMap['app\extensions\assetparser\Parser'] =__DIR__ . '/../vendor/yii-ext/assetparser/Parser.php';
Yii::$classMap['app\extensions\assetparser\Less'] =__DIR__ . '/../vendor/yii-ext/assetparser/Less.php';
Yii::$classMap['app\extensions\assetparser\Sass'] =__DIR__ . '/../vendor/yii-ext/assetparser/Sass.php';

$config = require(__DIR__ . '/../app/config/main.php');
$application = new yii\web\Application($config);

2b) Modifie your main.php ( C:\www\xxx\app\config\main.php)

Yii::$classMap['app\extensions\assetparser\Converter'] =__DIR__ . '/../../vendor/yii-ext/assetparser/Converter.php';
Yii::$classMap['app\extensions\assetparser\Parser'] =__DIR__ . '/../../vendor/yii-ext/assetparser/Parser.php';
Yii::$classMap['app\extensions\assetparser\Less'] =__DIR__ . '/../../vendor/yii-ext/assetparser/Less.php';
Yii::$classMap['app\extensions\assetparser\Sass'] =__DIR__ . '/../../vendor/yii-ext/assetparser/Sass.php';

return array(
    'id' => 'hello',
    'basePath' => dirname(__DIR__),
    'components' => array(

3 1
Yii Version: Unknown
License: GPL-3.0
Category: User Interface
Created on: May 6, 2013
Last updated: 10 years ago


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