Wiki articles tagged with "Widgets"

Showing 1-17 of 17 items.

Using the jamselect widget with min and max values

Created 13 years ago by got 2 doodle, updated 13 years ago by wei.

The keywords will be stored in a text field in a comma delimited format. The keywords will be created by the site administrator.

2 0
1 follower
Viewed: 18 733 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Customizing Yii's formatting rules (extending CFormatter)

Created 12 years ago by Haensel, updated 12 years ago by Haensel.

CFormatter is one of Yii's core components and used to format values displayed in widgets like CGridView or CDetailView. All classic formats like numbers, text, urls or datetime are supported but you may have to use a formatting rule that isn't built in. Let's say we want to display arrays of strings (like tags associated with a product model)...

12 0
Viewed: 22 904 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Extension Development (beginner)

Created 10 years ago by sefburhan, updated 10 years ago by CeBe.

To extend the functionality of you web application relative to your requirements you are supposed to use existing yii core libraries or use external libraries. There are some steps to ensure security, uniqueness, modularity, performance and to avoid rework in future.

Step 01: Have a Strategy

  • Is my extension just for fun/demonstration purposes or for everyday use in the real world? -...

Rendering Views and Updating them with Ajax

Created 10 years ago by Manish Gupta, updated 10 years ago by Manish Gupta.

I wanted to implement a widget that could refresh itself through Ajax without refreshing the whole page. CGridView and CListView are excellent examples of such widgets.

1 0
Viewed: 27 997 times
Version: Unknown (update)
Category: Tips
11 0
Viewed: 32 903 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Send asset folder path to a javascript of a widget

Created 12 years ago by sensorario, updated 12 years ago by sensorario.

When you develop a widget, you could need one image that is in the assets folder, you can use it simply within a css. You can load a css or javascript script doing this:

4 0
Viewed: 34 171 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

A simple go back button widget

Created 11 years ago by CTala, updated 11 years ago by bennouna.

We all know that widgets are really useful. We can use the almost everywhere we want, and we can use the same code a lot of times ( Almost OOP ).

2 1
Viewed: 37 029 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos


Created 13 years ago by Darwin Wen, updated 13 years ago by Darwin Wen.


2 3
Viewed: 39 950 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Using the jqueryslidemenu plugin with CMenu

Created 13 years ago by Antonio Ramirez, updated 13 years ago by pc131.

Yii makes it really easy for all to use their already made objects that automate everything we do. It provides also great power of flexibility and styling but hey, we programmers tend to complicate our lives and push a little more the power of our tools.

18 1
Viewed: 41 911 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

How to create a Widget - Recent Comments widget

Created 9 years ago by Nisanth thulasi, updated 5 years ago by samdark.

Here's a simple way to create a Recent comments showing widget to be used in your templates. The idea is just to highlighting your blog's new comments.

5 0
Viewed: 43 408 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Manage (Target) Language in Multilingual Applications + A Language Selector Widget (i18n)

Created 12 years ago by c@cba, updated 12 years ago by c@cba.

In case of a multilingual application, one might consider it a reasonable approach to store the preferred language of the user in a session variable, and after that, every time a page is requested, to check this session variable and render the page in the indicated language. This tutorial shows a Yii-way of doing this.
We implement an event handler for the onBeginRequest event; as the nam...

9 0
Viewed: 49 748 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

CGridView. Add custom class to table rows preserving original „odd“ and „even“

Created 10 years ago by Maug Lee, updated 9 years ago by yugene.

Lets say we have such a CGridView widget showing a list of users for administrator. Users have status „active“ or „disabled“. Grid widget puts class „odd“ or „even“ to rows and we want to preserve this. So we want to add a class „disabled“ to rows with disabled users.


$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
7 0
Viewed: 53 933 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Override/Eliminate Bootstrap CSS/JS for Yii 2.0 widgets

Created 10 years ago by Kartik V, updated 6 years ago by CeBe.

An example of customizing the Yii GridView is mentioned here. You can easily override Bootstrap or other styling defaults by changing the GridView default options.

4 2
Viewed: 55 708 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

How to use a Widget as an Action Provider

Created 13 years ago by Antonio Ramirez, updated 8 years ago by stinkytofu.

All done, now we can call all the actionProvider actions as controllerID/actionPrefix.actionID. Here is the example:

24 0
Viewed: 59 896 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Customizing the CMenu Widget

Created 10 years ago by mistryb, updated 9 years ago by mistryb.

The CMenu class provides some useful features for generating menus in your web application.

1 0
Viewed: 67 884 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

How to hide index.php on Microsoft Windows Server with IIS7

Created 11 years ago by Giuliano, updated 11 years ago by Giuliano.

I've seen lot of people struggling in finding a way to hide the script name when installing their Yii Application. In an Apache environment everything is well documented in this wiki article, but for those who are running their app on a Windows Server machine there are no hints.

6 0
Viewed: 69 695 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

XUpload Workflow

Created 11 years ago by Asgaroth, updated 11 years ago by Asgaroth.

This wiki describes a more complex workflow using the XUpload widget

28 0
Viewed: 95 143 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials