CJuiDialog and AjaxSubmitButton

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Hello ppl. Even though i have a small experience with yii I though of writing this to help people which want to do something similar.


  1. What we will use
  2. Code and details

We have a model Person how represent persons. The person has a Job. The user must select a job from a dropdownlist when he creates the person. What if the person's job is not listed in the dropdownlist and we don't want to redirect user to the job/create page. Here comes the CJuiDialog. We will create a CJuiDialog ( a modal one ;) and we will create a new job and the new job inserted will be also appended to the existing dropdowlist.

What we will use

1. AjaxLink:

We will use an ajaxLink which will be located to the person/views/_form.php ( we will call it _form from now on ) where we create the person. The role of this ajaxLink will be to open the CJuiDialog.

2. JobController ActionAddnew:

The ajaxLink will call an action in the JobController with name ActionAddnew ( we will call it Addnew from now on ), which will either save the job ( after validation ) either rendering the job form.

3. _FormDialog:

Finally, the job form which consist of a create.php view and a _formDialog.php view, both exist under under job/views/. The _formDialog.php ( we will call it _formDialog from now on ) will contain an ajaxSubmitButton to submit the Job we want to create.

Code and details

Now, I don't know from where exactly should i start to make it more easy for you.I assume you have a little experience with ajaxLink etc although i will try to be as much details as i can.

Starting with _form. The person's create form.
<div class="row">
		<?php echo $form->labelEx($person,'jid'); ?>
            <div id="job">
		<?php echo $form->dropDownList($person,'jid',CHtml::listData(Job::model()->findAll(),'jid','jdescr'),array('prompt'=>'Select')); ?>
                <?php echo CHtml::ajaxLink(Yii::t('job','Create Job'),$this->createUrl('job/addnew'),array('onclick'=>'$("#jobDialog").dialog("open"); return false;','update'=>'#jobDialog'),array('id'=>'showJobDialog'));//UPDATE Div'?>
                <div id="jobDialog"></div>
33 1
Viewed: 126 302 times
Version: Unknown (update)
Category: Tutorials
Tags: AJAX
Written by: tydeas_dr
Last updated by: phazei
Created on: May 11, 2010
Last updated: 12 years ago
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