Console Based CAuthManager Helper

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  1. What is For
  2. Command Line Usage
  3. How to create a Batch file for better usability:
  4. How to Setup

What is For

This behavior enable you to command the RBAC via console. This avoids you to install a entire rbac graphic toolkit to set up some rules in the rbac, maybe you are running inside a ssh console.

Let start by supposing you currently have a "foo" console command application, as you may already know the console based applications resides in the "protected/commands" directory and each class under this directory must extends from CConsoleCommand, by having this class: "class FooCommand extends CConsoleCommand { ... }". Read more about CConsoleCommand Applications in the Yii Framework documentation.

Command Line Usage

This is a sample command line, it creates a operation in your RBAC system either implemented by CDbAuthManager, CPhpAuthManager or other compatible with CAuthManager.

  cd /your-app-path/protected
  #display a help screen
  ./yiic foo rbac   
  #create a single operation
  ./yiic foo rbac --c="create operation someopr"
  #create a task (or role)
  ./yiic foo rbac --c="create task sometask"
  #make the operation to be inside the task
  ./yiic foo rbac --c="addchild sometask someopr"
  #finally assign the task to a speficied user
  ./yiic foo rbac --c="assign sometask admin"
  #test if the user admin has access to the operation
  ./yiic foo rbac --c="check someopr admin"

How to create a Batch file for better usability:

As i mention before the original yii-based command line usage is not appropiated for this kind of task:

   ./yiic foo rbac --c="list operation"

In order to help you when using the command line, i suggest you to write a batch file:

  $yourshell cd /yourapp/protected 
  $yourshell touch rbac  #create a empty file.
  $yourshell chmod +x rbac  #assign execution privilegies
  $yourshell echo "./yiic foo rbac --c=\"$1 $2 $3 $4\"" >> rbac

As result, you can do it in this way:

  $yourshell cd /yourapp/protected 
  $yourshell ./rbac list operation
  $yourshell ./rbac query somerole
  $yourshell ./rbac create operation someoper

How to Setup

The following steps will enable you to have basic console including a behavior designed to command your currently installed rbac feature. Read more about install a CAuthManager based authentication manager.

Step1: Configure a CConsoleCommand

Define a behavior in your current CConsoleCommand application, the behavior class should point to the newly created class speficied in the step2. I will start by supposing you have a "Foo" console command defined in:


Then, make a reference to the behavior and create a wrapper action.

	class FooCommand extends CConsoleCommand {
		public function behaviors(){
			return array(
		public function actionRbac($c=""){ // <--The wrapper action

Step2: Define the Behavior Class

Copy the following class body into this file:

 * ConsoleAuthManager
 	Enable a command line based wrapper for CDbAuthManager,

	class FooCommand extends CConsoleCommand {
		public function behaviors(){
			return array(
		public function actionRbac($c=""){

		./yiic foo rbac --c="some command"
 * @uses CBehavior
 * @author Cristian Salazar H. <> @salazarchris74 
 * @license FreeBSD {@link}
class ConsoleAuthManager extends CBehavior {
	private $_lazyAuth;

	protected function getAuthManager(){
		// way 1: you may want to return the auth manager defined in
		// your config/main.php:
		// return Yii::app()->authManager;

		// way2: return a new one and remember to initialize:
		if(null == $this->_lazyAuth){
			$this->_lazyAuth = new CDbAuthManager();
		return $this->_lazyAuth;

	public function run($c=""){
			$a = isset($m[0][0]) ? $m[0][0] : "";
			$b = isset($m[0][1]) ? $m[0][1] : "";
			$c = isset($m[0][2]) ? $m[0][2] : "";
			$this->rbac($this->getAuthManager(), $a,$b,$c);
			printf("usage: ./yiic rbac --c=\"command\"\n");
			printf("command is:\n");
			printf("\tcreate operation|task|role itemname\n");
			printf("\tlist operation|task|role\n");
			printf("\tquery authitemname\n");
			printf("\taddchild parent child\n");
			printf("\tremchild parent child\n");
			printf("\tremove authitem\n");
			printf("\tassign authitem username\n");
			printf("\tassigns username\n");
			printf("\trevoke authitem username\n");
			printf("\tcheck authitem username\n");
	private function rbac($auth, $a, $b='', $c=''){
			if("operation"==$b) $item = $auth->createOperation($c);
			if("task"==$b) $item = $auth->createTask($c);
			if("role"==$b) $item = $auth->createRole($c);
			$items = array();
			if("operation"==$b) $items = $auth->getOperations();
			if("task"==$b) $items = $auth->getTasks();
			if("role"==$b) $items = $auth->getRoles();
			foreach($items as $item=>$obj)
			$item = $auth->getAuthItem($b);
				foreach($item->getChildren() as $citem)
			printf("invalid authitem name\n");
			$item_1 = $auth->getAuthItem($b);
			$item_1 = $auth->getAuthItem($b);
			$item = $auth->getAuthItem($b);
				printf("assign: %s\t%s to: %s\t",
					$this->_getType($item),$item->name, $c);
				if($auth->assign($item->name, $c))
			die("invalid auth item\n");
			$item = $auth->getAuthItem($b);
				printf("revoke: %s\t%s to: %s\t",
					$this->_getType($item),$item->name, $c);
				if($auth->revoke($item->name, $c))
			die("invalid auth item\n");
			$list = $auth->getAuthAssignments($b);
				foreach($list as $aa){
					$item = $auth->getAuthItem($aa->itemName);
			$item = $auth->getAuthItem($b);
				printf("check: %s\t%s to: %s\t%s\n",
					$this->_getType($item),$item->name, $c,
					$auth->checkAccess($item->name, $c) ? "ALLOWED" : "DENIED");
			die("invalid auth item\n");
	private function _getType($obj){
		if(0 == $obj->type) return "OPER";
		if(1 == $obj->type) return "TASK";
		if(2 == $obj->type) return "ROLE";
		return "????";

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1 follower
Viewed: 12 344 times
Version: Unknown (update)
Category: How-tos
Written by: bluyell
Last updated by: bluyell
Created on: Mar 29, 2015
Last updated: 9 years ago
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