Extensions tagged with "code generator"

Showing 1-5 of 5 items.


Validation 0 90
The Rules Generator for the Yii framework
Created by Stanislav Vasilev, 3 years ago.


Others 0 623
Yii2 object for fasted configuration CRUD navigation and actions for models without copy-paste or CRUD generators
Created by eXeCUT, 3 years ago.


Application Template 0 708
Alternative Gii generator for Yii2 framework
Created by Protocolli Creativi, 5 years ago.


Others 0 14543625
The Gii extension for the Yii framework
Created by The Yii Team, 6 years ago.


Others 0 0
Yii2 Advance Generators
Created by Francisco Barrento, 7 years ago.