Class yii\debug\panels\RouterPanel

Inheritanceyii\debug\panels\RouterPanel » yii\debug\Panel » yii\base\Component
Available since extension's version2.0.8
Source Code

RouterPanel provides a panel which displays information about routing process.

Public Properties

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Property Type Description Defined By
$actions array Array of actions to add to the debug modules default controller. yii\debug\Panel
$categories array Note that the type of this property differs in getter and setter. yii\debug\panels\RouterPanel
$data mixed Data associated with panel yii\debug\Panel
$detail string Content that is displayed in debugger detail view. yii\debug\Panel
$error yii\debug\FlattenException|null Error while saving the panel yii\debug\Panel
$id string Panel unique identifier. yii\debug\Panel
$module yii\debug\Module yii\debug\Panel
$name string Name of the panel. yii\debug\Panel
$summary string Content that is displayed at debug toolbar. yii\debug\Panel
$tag string Request data set identifier. yii\debug\Panel
$url string URL pointing to panel detail view. yii\debug\Panel

Protected Properties

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Property Type Description Defined By

Property Details

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$categories public property

Note that the type of this property differs in getter and setter. See getCategories() and setCategories() for details.

public array $categories null

Method Details

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getCategories() public method

Listens categories of the messages.

public array getCategories ( )

                public function getCategories()
    return $this->_categories;

getDetail() public method

public string getDetail ( )
return string

Content that is displayed in debugger detail view

                public function getDetail()
    return Yii::$app->view->render('panels/router/detail', ['model' => new Router($this->data)]);

getError() public method (available since version 2.0.10)
public yii\debug\FlattenException|null getError ( )

                public function getError()
    return $this->error;

getName() public method

public string getName ( )
return string

Name of the panel

                public function getName()
    return 'Router';

getSummary() public method
public string getSummary ( )
return string

Content that is displayed at debug toolbar

                public function getSummary()
    return '';

getTraceLine() public method (available since version 2.0.7)

Defined in: yii\debug\Panel::getTraceLine()

Returns a trace line

public string getTraceLine ( $options )
$options array

The array with trace

return string

The trace line

                public function getTraceLine($options)
    if (!isset($options['text'])) {
        $options['text'] = "{$options['file']}:{$options['line']}";
    $traceLine = $this->module->traceLine;
    if ($traceLine === false) {
        return $options['text'];
    $options['file'] = str_replace('\\', '/', $options['file']);
    $rawLink = $traceLine instanceof \Closure ? $traceLine($options, $this) : $traceLine;
    return strtr($rawLink, ['{file}' => $options['file'], '{line}' => $options['line'], '{text}' => $options['text']]);

getUrl() public method
public string getUrl ( $additionalParams null )
$additionalParams null|array

Optional additional parameters to add to the route

return string

URL pointing to panel detail view

                public function getUrl($additionalParams = null)
    $route = [
        '/' . $this->module->id . '/default/view',
        'panel' => $this->id,
        'tag' => $this->tag,
    if (is_array($additionalParams)){
        $route = ArrayHelper::merge($route, $additionalParams);
    return Url::toRoute($route);

hasError() public method (available since version 2.0.10)
public boolean hasError ( )

                public function hasError()
    return $this->error !== null;

isEnabled() public method (available since version 2.0.10)

Defined in: yii\debug\Panel::isEnabled()

Checks whether this panel is enabled.

public boolean isEnabled ( )
return boolean

Whether this panel is enabled.

                public function isEnabled()
    return true;

load() public method

Defined in: yii\debug\Panel::load()

Loads data into the panel

public void load ( $data )
$data mixed

                public function load($data)
    $this->data = $data;

save() public method

Saves data to be later used in debugger detail view.

This method is called on every page where debugger is enabled.

public mixed save ( )
return mixed

Data to be saved

                public function save()
    $target = $this->module->logTarget;
    return [
        'messages' => $target::filterMessages($target->messages, Logger::LEVEL_TRACE, $this->_categories)

setCategories() public method

public void setCategories ( $values )
$values string|array

                public function setCategories($values)
    if (!is_array($values)) {
        $values = [$values];
    $this->_categories = array_merge($this->_categories, $values);

setError() public method (available since version 2.0.10)
public void setError ( yii\debug\FlattenException $error )
$error yii\debug\FlattenException

                public function setError(FlattenException $error)
    $this->error = $error;