Class yii\authclient\widgets\GooglePlusButton

Inheritanceyii\authclient\widgets\GooglePlusButton » yii\authclient\widgets\AuthChoiceItem » yii\base\Widget
Available since extension's version2.0
Source Code

GooglePlusButton renders Google+ sign-in button.

This widget is designed to interact with yii\authclient\clients\GoogleHybrid.

See also:

Public Properties

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Property Type Description Defined By
$authChoice yii\authclient\widgets\AuthChoice Parent AuthChoice widget yii\authclient\widgets\AuthChoiceItem
$buttonHtmlOptions array Button tag HTML options, which will be merged with the default ones. yii\authclient\widgets\GooglePlusButton
$callback string Callback JavaScript function name. yii\authclient\widgets\GooglePlusButton
$client yii\authclient\ClientInterface Auth client instance. yii\authclient\widgets\AuthChoiceItem

Protected Methods

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Method Description Defined By
generateCallback() Generates JavaScript callback function, which will be used to handle auth response. yii\authclient\widgets\GooglePlusButton
registerClientScript() Registers necessary JavaScript. yii\authclient\widgets\GooglePlusButton
renderButton() Renders sign-in button. yii\authclient\widgets\GooglePlusButton

Property Details

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$buttonHtmlOptions public property

Button tag HTML options, which will be merged with the default ones.

$callback public property

Callback JavaScript function name. Note that the type of this property differs in getter and setter. See getCallback() and setCallback() for details.

public string $callback null

Method Details

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generateCallback() protected method

Generates JavaScript callback function, which will be used to handle auth response.

protected string generateCallback ( $url = [] )
$url array

Auth callback URL.

return string

JavaScript function name.

                protected function generateCallback($url = [])
    if (empty($url)) {
        $url = $this->authChoice->createClientUrl($this->client);
    } else {
        $url = Url::to($url);
    if (strpos($url, '?') === false) {
        $url .= '?';
    } else {
        $url .= '&';
    $callbackName = 'googleSignInCallback' . md5($this->id);
    $js = <<<JS
tion $callbackName(authResult) {
var urlParams = [];
if (authResult['code']) {
    urlParams.push('code=' + encodeURIComponent(authResult['code']));
} else if (authResult['error']) {
    urlParams.push('error=' + encodeURIComponent(authResult['error']));
    urlParams.push('error_description=' + encodeURIComponent(authResult['error_description']));
} else {
    for (var propName in authResult) {
        var propValue = authResult[propName];
        if (typeof propValue != 'object') {
            urlParams.push(encodeURIComponent(propName) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(propValue));
window.location = '$url' + urlParams.join('&');
    $this->view->registerJs($js, View::POS_END, __CLASS__ . '#' . $this->id);
    return $callbackName;

getCallback() public method

public string getCallback ( )
return string

Callback JavaScript function name.

                public function getCallback()
    if (empty($this->_callback)) {
        $this->_callback = $this->generateCallback();
    } elseif (is_array($this->_callback)) {
        $this->_callback = $this->generateCallback($this->_callback);
    return $this->_callback;

init() public method

Initializes the widget.

public void init ( )

                public function init()
    if (!($this->client instanceof GoogleHybrid)) {
        throw new InvalidConfigException('"' . $this->className() . '::client" must be instance of "' . GoogleHybrid::className() . '"');

registerClientScript() protected method

Registers necessary JavaScript.

protected void registerClientScript ( )

                protected function registerClientScript()
    $js = <<<JS
ction() {
var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true;
po.src = '';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);
    $this->view->registerJs($js, View::POS_END, __CLASS__);

renderButton() protected method

Renders sign-in button.

protected string renderButton ( )
return string

Button HTML.

                protected function renderButton()
    $buttonHtmlOptions = array_merge(
            'class' => 'g-signin',
            'data-callback' => $this->getCallback(),
            'data-clientid' => $this->client->clientId,
            'data-cookiepolicy' => 'single_host_origin',
            'data-requestvisibleactions' => null,
            'data-scope' => $this->client->scope,
            'data-accesstype' => 'offline',
            'data-width' => 'iconOnly',
    return Html::tag('span', Html::tag('span', '', $buttonHtmlOptions), ['id' => 'signinButton']);

run() public method

Runs the widget.

public void run ( )

                public function run()
    return $this->renderButton();

setCallback() public method

public void setCallback ( $callback )
$callback string|array

Callback JavaScript function name or URL config.

                public function setCallback($callback)
    $this->_callback = $callback;