Difference between #8 and #9 of
Reference: Model rules validation

Revision #9 has been created by Steve Friedl on Nov 28, 2010, 6:25:05 PM with the memo:

Cleaned up the example for CTypeValidator; gave link to example for CUniqueValidator
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Reference: Model rules validation

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Form validation

Content changed

2. `dateFormat`, the format pattern that the date value should follow.
3. `datetimeFormat`, the format pattern that the datetime value should follow.
4. `timeFormat`, the format pattern that the time value should follow.
5. `type`, the data type that the attribute should be.

   Example of time rule;  
array('org_starttime, org_finishtime', 'type', 'type'=>'time', 'timeFormat'=>'hh:mm'), ```

+ `unique` : [CUniqueValidator], validates that the attribute value is unique in the corresponding database table.
5. `criteria`, additional query criteria.

    By default, CUniqueValidator works with a single attribute that's presumed to be
    unique across the whole model table, but it can work with multi-attribute unique
    constraints as well. See [CUniqueValidator::c2215] for an example.
+ `unsafe` : [CUnsafeValidator], marks the associated attributes to be unsafe so that they cannot be massively assigned.

+ `url` : [CUrlValidator], validates that the attribute value is a valid http or https URL.
1. `allowEmpty`, whether the attribute value can be null or empty.
2. `pattern`, the regular expression used to validates the attribute value.
99 0
Viewed: 885 045 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos
Written by: krillzip
Last updated by: Rodrigo
Created on: Nov 29, 2009
Last updated: 10 years ago
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