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* @property integer $name Author's name
class Author extends CActiveRecord
    ...     public function relations() {
return array(             'posts' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Post', 'author_id'); );
class Post extends CActiveRecord
    ...     public function relations() {
return array(             'author' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'Author', 'author_id'); );
public static function GetPostsByTitle($searchWord)
    // query criteria     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();     // compare title     $criteria->compare('title', $searchWord, true);     // find     $posts = Post::model()->findAll($criteria);     // show     foreach($posts as $post) {
echo "Title = " . $post->title . "\n";     }
public static function GetPostsWithAuthorByTitle($searchWord)
    // query criteria     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();     // with Author model     $criteria->with = array('author');     // compare title     $criteria->compare('t.title', $searchWord, true);     // find all posts     $posts = Post::model()->findAll($criteria);     // show all posts     foreach($posts as $post) {
echo "Title = " . $post->title . "\n";         echo "Author = " . $post->author->name . "\n";     }
    // compare Author's name     $criteria->compare('author.name', $searchName, true);     ...
public static function GetAuthorsByPostTitle($searchWord)
    // query criteria     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();     // with Post model     $criteria->with = array('posts');     // compare title     $criteria->compare('posts.title', $searchWord, true);     // find all authors     $authors = Author::model()->findAll($criteria);     // show all authors     foreach($authors as $author) {
echo "Author = " . $author->name . "\n";     }
public static function GetAuthorsWithPostsByPostTitle($searchWord)
    // query criteria     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();     // with Post model     $criteria->with = array('posts');     // compare title     $criteria->compare('posts.title', $searchWord, true);     // find all authors     $authors = Author::model()->findAll($criteria);     // show all authors and his/her posts     foreach($authors as $author) {
echo "Author = " . $author->name . "\n";         foreach($author->posts as $post) {
echo "Post = " . $post->title . "\n"; }
public static function GetAuthorsWithPostsByPostTitle($searchWord)
    // query criteria     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();     // join Post model (without selecting)     $criteria->with = array(         'posts' => array(             'select' => false, ),
// compare title     $criteria->compare('posts.title', $searchWord, true);     // find all authors     $authors = Author::model()->findAll($criteria);     // show all authors and his/her posts     foreach($authors as $author) {
echo "Author = " . $author->name . "\n";         foreach($author->posts as $post) {
echo "Post = " . $post->title . "\n"; }
public static function GetTop5AuthorsWithPostsByPostTitle($searchWord)
    // query criteria     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();     // with Post model     $criteria->with = array('posts');     // compare title     $criteria->compare('posts.title', $searchWord, true);     // order by author name     $criteria->order = 't.name ASC';     // limit to 5 authors     $criteria->limit = 5;     // find all authors     $authors = Author::model()->findAll($criteria);     // show all authors and his/her posts     foreach($authors as $author) {
echo "Author = " . $author->name . "\n";         foreach($author->posts as $post) {
echo "Post = " . $post->title . "\n"; }
    // force to join Post     $criteria->with = array(         'posts' => array(             'together' => true, ),
    // force to join Post (without selecting)     $criteria->with = array(         'posts' => array(             'together' => true,             'select' => false, ),
- Author = Andy
- Post = Don't use **foo**
    - Post = Use yoo for **foo**
- Post = Don't use bar
- Post = Use yar for bar
    // force to join Post (without selecting)     $criteria->with = array(         'posts' => array(             'together' => true,             'select' => false, ),
...     // group by Author's id     $criteria->group = 't.id';     ...
public static function GetTop5AuthorsWithPostsByPostTitle($searchWord)
    // query criteria     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();     // force to join Post (without selecting)     $criteria->with = array(         'posts' => array(             'together' => true,             'select' => false, ),
// compare title     $criteria->compare('posts.title', $searchWord, true);     // group by Author's id     $criteria->group = 't.id';     // order by author name     $criteria->order = 't.name ASC';     // limit to 5 authors     $criteria->limit = 5;     // find all authors     $authors = Author::model()->findAll($criteria);     // show all authors and his/her posts     foreach($authors as $author) {
echo "Author = " . $author->name . "\n";         foreach($author->posts as $post) {
echo "Post = " . $post->title . "\n"; }
public static function GetTop5AuthorsWithPostsByPostTitle($searchWord)
    // query criteria     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();     // force to join Post (without selecting)     $criteria->with = array(         'posts' => array(             'together' => true,             'select' => false, ),
// compare title     $criteria->compare('posts.title', $searchWord, true);     // group by Author's id     $criteria->group = 't.id';     // order by author name     $criteria->order = 't.name ASC';     // limit to 5 authors     $criteria->limit = 5;     // find all authors     $authors = Author::model()->findAll($criteria);     // show all authors and his/her posts     foreach($authors as $author) {
echo "Author = " . $author->name . "\n";         // lazy loading posts with filtering         $filteredPosts = $author->posts( array(
'condition' => 'title LIKE :search_word',                 'params' => array(                     ':search_word' => '%' . $searchWord . '%', ),
foreach($filteredPosts as $post) {
echo "Post = " . $post->title . "\n"; }
public function relations()
    return array(         'posts' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Post', 'author_id'),         'posts_search' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Post', 'author_id'),     ); } public static function GetAuthorsWithPostsByPostTitle($searchWord) {     // query criteria     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();     // join Post model (one for fetching data, the other for filtering)     $criteria->with = array(         'posts' => array( // this is for fetching data             'together' => false, ),
'posts_search' => array( // this is for filtering             'select' => false,             'together' => true, ),
// compare title     $criteria->compare('posts_search.title', $searchWord, true);     // find all authors with his/her posts     $authors = Author::model()->findAll($criteria);     // show all authors and his/her posts     foreach($authors as $author) {
echo "Author = " . $author->name . "\n";         foreach($author->posts as $post) // no queries executed here !! {
echo "Post = " . $post->title . "\n"; }
public static function GetTop5AuthorsWithPostsByPostTitle($searchWord)
    // query criteria     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();     // join Post model (one for fetching data, the other for filtering)     $criteria->with = array(         'posts' => array( // this is for fetching data             'together' => false, ),
'posts_search' => array( // this is for filtering             'select' => false,             'together' => true, ),
// compare title     $criteria->compare('posts_search.title', $searchWord, true);     // group by Author's id     $criteria->group = 't.id';     // order by author name     $criteria->order = 't.name ASC';     // limit to 5 authors     $criteria->limit = 5;     // find all authors with his/her posts     $authors = Author::model()->findAll($criteria);     // show all authors and his/her posts     foreach($authors as $author) {
echo "Author = " . $author->name . "\n";         foreach($author->posts as $post) // no queries executed here !! {
echo "Post = " . $post->title . "\n"; }
public static function GetTop5AuthorsWithPostsByPostTitle($searchWord)
    // query criteria     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();     // join Post model (one for fetching data, the other for filtering)     $criteria->with = array(         'posts' => array( // this is for fetching data             'together' => false,             'condition' => 'posts.title LIKE :search_word',             'params' => array(                 ':search_word' => '%' . $searchWord . '%', ),
'posts_search' => array( // this is for filtering             'select' => false,             'together' => true, ),
// compare title     $criteria->compare('posts.title', $searchWord, true);     // group by Author's id     $criteria->group = 't.id';     // order by author name     $criteria->order = 't.name ASC';     // limit to 5 authors     $criteria->limit = 5;     // find all authors     $authors = Author::model()->findAll($criteria);     // show all authors and his/her posts     foreach($authors as $author) {
echo "Author = " . $author->name . "\n";         foreach($author->posts as $post) // no queries executed here !! {
echo "Post = " . $post->title . "\n"; }
} } ```
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Viewed: 76 509 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Written by: softark
Last updated by: softark
Created on: Dec 6, 2012
Last updated: 5 years ago
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