Custom Archive in Blog system

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Hi I had made simple archive system for blog system that can handle tbl_post. I had used simple CDbCriteria not more than that. I know there is more and many better way to this but I think this will give some idea to users to generate new idea or customized or modified this version of code.

//in module define

	public $year;
	public $month;

In controller controller of view you can use this. I had used here view for testing.

$monthsvalue = array('1'=>'January','2'=>'Feburary','3'=>'March','4'=>'April','5'=>'May','6'=>'June','7'=>'July','8'=>'August','9'=>'September','10'=>'October','11'=>'November','12'=>'December');

$condition = new CDbCriteria;
$condition->select='YEAR(t.createddate) as year'; //declare year in post model model
$condition->order ='createddate DESC';

$yeardataarticle = Post::model()->findAll($condition);

foreach ($yeardataarticle as $ya):
$year =$ya->year;

echo '<br />';
echo $year;
$monthcriteria = new CDbCriteria;
$monthcriteria->select ='MONTH(t.createddate) as month'; // declare month in post model
$monthcriteria->condition ='YEAR(t.createddate)=:year';
$months = Post::model()->findAll($monthcriteria);
	foreach ($months as $month):
			$montth = $month->month;
			echo '<br />';
			foreach($monthsvalue as $key=>$value):
				<?php echo CHtml::link($value,array('//post/archivepost','year'=>$year,'month'=>$montth))?>
				<?php }?>
			$postcount = new CDbCriteria;
			$postcount->addCondition('MONTH(t.createddate)=:month AND YEAR(t.createddate)=:year');
			$postcount->params = array(':month'=>$montth,':year'=>$year);
			$count = Post::model()->count($postcount);
			echo ' ('.$count.')';
