Yii 1.1.17 Ubuntu AutoInstall Bash Script

Just thought I would share this bash script I wrote to help automate a base install of YII on an Ubuntu server. This script does the following:

  • Installs requirements for YII (mcrypt, gd, apc, etc..)
  • Downloads Yii 1.1.17 untar's it to /tmp directory and moves the framework to /var/www/html
  • Changes ownership's and sets correct permissions
# Ken Goddard 2016
echo "This script installs the prerequisites for Yii 1.17 framework."
echo "Hi, $USER!  I will begin the process" 
sleep 3
echo "Running update"
sleep 2
apt-get update
echo "Installing packages" 
apt-get -y install php5-mcrypt php5-gd php5-common php-soap php-pear php5-dev php-apc php5-sqlite

while true; do
    read -p "Do you wish download Yii 1.17 Framework?" yn
    case $yn in
        [Yy]* ) 
		cd tmp
		wget https://github.com/yiisoft/yii/releases/download/1.1.17/yii-
		tar -xvzf yii-
		cd yii-
		mv framework/ /var/www/html/
		cd /var/www/html/framework
		echo "Enter the name of your new Yii Website:"
		read my_app_name
		php yiic webapp /var/www/html/$my_app_name 
		echo "this is the end of this portion" ; break;;
        [Nn]* ) exit;;
        * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";;

#Ask user to define path of the new YII application
echo "Please enter the path of your new app: "
read yii_app_path   #Getting users input
echo "Changing permissions now"
chmod -vR 0777 $yii_app_path/assests
chmod -vR 0777 $yii_app_path/protected/runtime
#Change ownership of directories so the application can change values (e.g. GII)
chown -vR www-data $yii_app_path/assets
chown -vR www-data $yii_app_path/protected/runtime
chmod -vR 0744 $yii_app_path/assets
chmod -vR 0744 $yii_app_path/protected/runtime

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Viewed: 11 746 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Others
Written by: Preacher
Last updated by: Preacher
Created on: May 10, 2016
Last updated: 7 years ago
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