Errors and retryable jobs

The execution of a job can fail. This can be due to internal errors which result from poorly written code which should be fixed first. But they can also fail due to external problems like a service or a resource being unavailable. This can lead to exceptions or timeouts.

In the latter cases, it's good to be able to retry a job after some time. There are several ways to do this.

Note: The ttr feature described below requires the PHP Process Control (pcntl) extension to be installed and the worker command has to use the --isolate option (which is enabled by default).

Retry options

The first method is to use queue component options:

'components' => [
    'queue' => [
        'class' => \yii\queue\<driver>\Queue::class,
        'ttr' => 5 * 60, // Max time for job execution
        'attempts' => 3, // Max number of attempts

The ttr (Time to reserve, TTR) option defines the number of seconds during which a job must be successfully completed. So two things can happen to make a job fail:

  1. The job throws an exception before ttr is over
  2. It would take longer than ttr to complete the job (timeout) and thus the job execution is stopped by the worker.

In both cases, the job will be sent back to the queue for a retry. Note though, that in the first case the ttr is still "used up" even if the job stops right after it has stared. I.e. the remaining seconds of ttr have to pass before the job is sent back to the queue.

The attempts option sets the max. number of attempts. If this number is reached, and the job still isn't done, it will be removed from the queue as completed.

These options apply to all jobs in the queue. If you need to change this behavior for specific jobs, see the following method.


To have more control over the retry logic a job can implement the RetryableJobInterface. For example:

class SomeJob extends BaseObject implements RetryableJobInterface
    public function execute($queue)

    public function getTtr()
        return 15 * 60;

    public function canRetry($attempt, $error)
        return ($attempt < 5) && ($error instanceof TemporaryException);

The getTtr() and canRetry() methods have a higher priority than the component options mentioned above.

Event handlers

The third method to control TTR and number of retries for failed jobs involves the Queue::EVENT_BEFORE_PUSH and Queue::EVENT_AFTER_ERROR events.

The TTR can be set with the Queue::EVENT_BEFORE_PUSH event:

Yii::$app->queue->on(Queue::EVENT_BEFORE_PUSH, function (PushEvent $event) {
    if ($event->job instanceof SomeJob) {
        $event->ttr = 300;

And the Queue::EVENT_AFTER_ERROR event can be used to decide whether to try another attempt:

Yii::$app->queue->on(Queue::EVENT_AFTER_ERROR, function (ExecEvent $event) {
    if ($event->job instanceof SomeJob) {
        $event->retry = ($event->attempt < 5) && ($event->error instanceof TemporaryException);

Event handlers are executed after the RetryableJobInterface methods, and therefore have the highest priority.


Full support for retryable jobs is implemented in the Beanstalk, DB, File, AMQP Interop and Redis drivers. The Sync driver will not retry failed jobs. The Gearman driver doesn't support retryable jobs. RabbitMQ has only its basic retryable support, where the number of attempts can not be set.

AWS SQS uses Dead Letter Queue for handling messages that were failed to process. All unprocessed messages after a maximum number of attempts are moved to that queue. You should set an address of a Dead Letter Queue and a maximum number of attempts in the AWS Console while creating a queue.