Wiki articles tagged with "security"

Showing 21-26 of 26 items.

Moving project code outside of webroot (plus multiple project support)

Created 13 years ago by Steve Friedl, updated 12 years ago by Steve Friedl.

Yii's by-default directory organization works well enough, but there are several steps one can take that improve the security and serviceability of the system, especially in the context of multiple Yii projects on the same machine (including multiple versions of the same project).

21 1
Viewed: 64 984 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Configuring controller access rules to default-deny

Created 13 years ago by Steve Friedl, updated 10 years ago by nsanden.

Starting with the blog tutorial, Yii developers are familiar with the notion of access rules defined in the controller, where the actions are allowed or denied depending on the user's name or role.

class CommentController extends CController {
    public function filters()
        return array( 'accessControl' ); // perform access control for CRUD operations

11 0
Viewed: 105 402 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

How to hide /frontend/web in url addresses on apache

Created 9 years ago by raminious, updated 9 years ago by jim..

There is an issue on Yii2 to redirecting / urls to /frontend/web.
In other words we need a way to hidden /frontend/web from addresses.
We will do this without changing Apache configuration and creating virtual host or setting document root (It's good for share hostings that we have not access to apache.conf)

10 0
Viewed: 125 636 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos

Getting to Understand Hierarchical RBAC Scheme

Created 13 years ago by daemons, updated 9 years ago by rAWTAZ.

Authentication and Authorization is a good tutorial. Among other topics, it describes basic aspects of Yii's RBAC implementation. But however hard I read the tutorial, I couldn't understand how exactly the hierarchy works. I found how to define authorization hierarchy, how business rules are evaluated, how to configure a...

47 0
Viewed: 125 671 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Use crypt() for password storage

Created 11 years ago by fsb, updated 9 years ago by fsb.

Update: This wiki has been rewritten to be in line with Yii 1.1.14. Since many of the detailed complexities are now handled by Yii, the article focuses on how the crypt() built-in function works and why it's important to use it correctly.

15 0
Viewed: 177 112 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

How to write secure Yii1 applications

Created 12 years ago by François Gannaz, updated 2 years ago by François Gannaz.
  • Validate the user input (see below for details).
  • Protect (escape) your application output according to context (see below for a few output types, mostly HTML and SQL).
  • Test your application in debug mode.
    Set the constant YII_DEBUG to true (by default, it is defined in index.php) and put alongside error_reporting(E_ALL);. Then errors and warnings will stop the execution an...
80 0
Viewed: 310 997 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos